
Cloud ERP for SMEs and Start-ups: A must for survival in post Covid-19 fallout
Many Companies across the globe has done mass lay-offs, put the employee on mandatory unpaid leaves and have reduced the salaries of remaining employees.
Governments are coming up with Covid revival package for MSEs and industries.
For businesses around the world, the first and foremost form of possible relief has come from the use of technology, especially digital technology, to adapt to these changes. From online payment services, digital communication platforms to virtual business processing, management and Cloud ERP Software, digital technology, the internet and telecommunications have been able to prevent a complete worldwide shutdown of all businesses.
To survive this pandemic and consequent economic downturn, businesses around the world, especially small businesses and startups, need to implement certain changes in their operations. For the Indian economy, the MSME sector will largely lead and decide the recovery from the possible upcoming recessions, and hence they must -
New strategies and processes need to be formulated and implemented immediately to facilitate a work-from-home setup. Companies worldwide have already begun to face the need to adapt to maintaining an almost entirely remote workforce, and this will continue well into the future. To gain the edge over competition, a proactive stance must be assumed by founders, CEOs and top management towards work-from-home including the deployment of company-wide awareness and training in efficiency and productivity protocols. Ensuring productivity while work from home is important to companies as well as employees.
To facilitate a rapid shift to remote working models, companies must ensure –
Companies who aren’t used to handling a big IT load need not hire new IT staff and procure infrastructure just to shift their operations to digital, they can leave that to dedicated cloud service providers. Cloud ERPs for example, will become a necessity in coming times. Cloud ERP can allow your business processes to transform to a digital platform, without any effort on your part. Simple subscriptions to customized plans allow you to integrate the ERP into your system.
Though there is no amount of preparation that can guarantee a business’s success in the trying times to come, it is quite safe to assume that only those companies that adapt with the times and make the best use of technology will have any hope for growth and survival. As the COVID-19 curve is flattened, technologically equipped companies will be able to get back into business without any extra hassle.
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