
De-Capital hereby declares that we were not aware of the publication of the Article and hereby states that all contents including the photographs are not true and we never authorised any person or entity to publish any articles on our behalf.
We wish to clarify that the persons appeared in the photograph shown on the Article are not in any way related to nor associated with De-Capital. Furthermore, regarding the project of the Metaverse Hall of Fame gallery featuring former Prime Minister of Malaysia Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad and other legends launched by Uniquepro Meta Holdings SdnBhd (“Project”), De-Capital is in the midst of conducting its due diligence on the Project as well as Uniquepro Meta Holdings Sdn Bhd. Therefore, no decision has been made yet whether to invest on the Project.
We reiterate that the Article was posted without our knowledge and consent, and we take no responsibility on the contents of the Article. We reserve our rights to take any necessary legal action.
De-capital Community
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