China Plant Protein Market Research by Size, Top Leading Countries, Companies, Consumption, Drivers, Trends, Forces Analysis
China Plant Protein Market Research by Size, Top Leading Countries, Companies, Consumption, Drivers, Trends, Forces Analysis
Market New Opportunities, Latest Trends, Size and Share Overview by Regions – Forecast

China is one of the biggest meat consumers, especially beef, consuming more than a quarter of the world's meat. Owing to government legislation, health-related issues, climate, and animal welfare, as well as costs, vegetarianism has gained traction in China over the past few years.


The country has been using vegetarian ingredients even before the concept of plant-based protein or meat alternatives was introduced to add a meat-like savory taste to vegan recipes. These meat-free foods are not only consumed as an alternative to meat-based on animals, but they still form a part of the daily Chinese diet, with plant-based foods being used in a wide variety of traditional dishes due to Buddhist influences.


The consumer demand is driving the market interest in the meat alternatives industry providing the start-ups, global food tech companies, and investors with a fertile ground to step in.The young generation is the key guiding factor in the transition towards a plant-based diet. According to ConsumerIntel360, nearly 72% of plant-based consumers are under the age of 33 years. There are multiple factors that lead young people to seek meat-free choices. These include government dietary guidelines, changes in dietary attitudes to shift to healthier diets, adoption of environmental stewardship, sensitivity to animal rights, and, most importantly, the increasing number of meat alternatives available in the market.


Leveraging social media and influencers is the key to engage and target such consumer segment and to promote plant-based options as healthy and trendy.

Over the last few years, the meat substitute industry in China has seen rapid growth. The key reasons for this transition to mainstream consumer market are COVID-19 impact, government regulations, and the outbreak of African swine fever.


The plant-based market is growing fast, especially the plant-based beverages sector in China. Soy milk as an alternative to dairy-based milk is gaining popularity in the country. Due to long-standing soy consumption traditions, growing interest in plant-based nutrition, and the convenience offered by such products, soy drinks will tend to be well-positioned to benefit from prevailing conditions in the Chinese market.


In recent years, there has been a growing awareness and acceptance of plant-based milk products amongst the consumers. Apart from soybeans milk, there has been a growing demand for almond milk, peanut milk, coconut milk, and walnut milk.


The rising demand for plant-based protein drinks has drawn the attention of large-scale food and beverages manufacturers.The main raw materials used as meat substitutes in China have long been soy protein, wheat gluten, and Konjac. However, in the recent past, protein products are also produced in food-grade standards from other plant-based ingredients such as peas, canola, beans, oats, peanuts, quinoa, and rice.


The plant protein market in China has recorded a strong growth with a CAGR of 27.1% during 2018-2020. According to ConsumerIntel360’s Q4 2020 Global Plant Protein Survey, increase in demand, and investments are expected to further drive innovation and inorganic growth in the plant-based protein industry in China.


With incumbents attempting to protect/enhance their market share in this burgeoning space, the market is expected to record increase in new products. As the food manufacturers go aggressive on gaining market share in this high growth segment, understanding strategic initiatives, product claims, ingredients, and changing consumer preferences in a structured way will be important to gain market share.


The market growth has been supported by the ongoing COVID – 19 pandemic. The demand for plant proteins is expected to increase significantly in the short to medium term.


Plant protein industry is expected to continue to grow in China over the forecast period. It is expected to record a CAGR of 19.8% during 2021-2027. The plant protein consumption in the country will increase from US$ 1703.2 million in 2020 to reach US$ 6276.3 million by 2027.


This business intelligence report from ConsumerIntel360 aims to analyze market opportunities and risks in plant protein industry in China. This report offers a detailed view of market opportunity by end user segments, product categories, ingredients, applications, key cities, competing protein segments, price point, and shift in consumption by consumer demographics. In addition, for each product category, this report details demand gap / white space analysis, competitive landscape, brand share, claims analysis, and ingredient analysis.


• White Space Analysis: For each product category, this report provides market opportunities across price point and key end-use segments.

• Product Innovation: Captures key innovative plant protein product launches in China along with claims, product positioning and targeting.

• Competitive Landscape and Brand Share Analysis: Provides a snapshot of overall competitive landscape and brand share by product category.

• Product Claims Analysis: Provides a detailed view on top claims and emerging claims, offering insights into changing targeting strategy adopted by leading plant protein manufacturers.

• Changing Consumer Preferences: Quantified details on changing consumer preferences along with forecast.

• Plant Protein Consumption by Ingredients: Provides a detailed view of opportunities across key plant protein ingredients (Soy, Pea, Beans & Lentils, Hemp, Flaxseed, Pumpkin & Other Seeds, Brown Rice, Quinoa, Spirulina & Seaweed, and Nuts)

• Plant Protein Sales by Channel: Sales breakdown by online vs. offline channels.

• Plant Protein Sales by Retail Outlet: Sales breakdown by retail outlets grouped by four categories – Diversified Stores, Pharmaceutical & Wellness Stores, Healthcare and Fitness Centers, and Specialist Sports Stores.

• Plant Protein Consumption by Functional Product Type: Plant protein consumption breakdown by 3 segments – Ready to Eat, Ready to Drink, Ready to Mix, and Ready to Cook.

• Plant Protein Consumption by Product Categories: Detailed market size and forecast by eight product categories – Nutrition Supplements, Protein Bars, Sports Nutrition, Meal Alternative, Dairy Alternatives, Meat Alternatives, Bakery Products, and Infant Formulas.

• Plant Protein Consumption by Price Points: Plant protein demand analysis by price points – Premium, Mid-Tier, and Low End.

• Plant Protein Consumption by Cities: Plant protein demand analysis by key cities grouped under three segments – Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3.

• Plant Protein Consumption by Consumer Demographics: Plant protein demand / consumption analysis by age, gender, and income levels..


This research report provides in-depth analysis of plant protein industry in China, providing white space / gap analysis, product innovation, product claims analysis, and brand share analysis, competitive landscape, market size across 50+ segments. Below is the taxonomy, providing detailed scope of coverage.


China Plant Protein Market Dynamics – Strategy & Innovation

• Competitive Landscape Snapshot

• White Space / Demand Gap Analysis by Product Category

• Brand Share by Product Category

• Key Innovative Launches

• Insights on Market Dynamics



China Plant Protein Market Size by Ingredients


• Soy

• Pea

• Beans & Lentils

• Hemp

• Flaxseed, Pumpkin & Other

• Brown Rice

• Quinoa

• Spirulina & Seaweed

• Nuts

• Other



China Plant Protein Market Size by Product Categories


• Nutrition Supplements

• Protein Bars

• Sports Nutrition

• Meal Alternative

• Dairy Alternatives

• Meat Alternatives

• Bakery Products

• Infant Formulas

• Other


China Plant Protein Market Size by Functional Segments


• Ready to Mix

• Ready to Eat

• Ready to Drink

• Ready to Cook


China Plant Protein Market Share Analysis by Sales Channels

• Online

• In-Store


China Plant Protein Market Share Analysis by Type of Retail Outlet


• Pharmaceutical & Medical Store

• Grocery Retailers

• Health and Wellness Stores

• Specialist Sports Store



China Plant Protein Market Size by Retail Sales Pricing


• Premium

• Mid-Tier

• Low End


China Plant Protein Market Size by Cities


• Tier 1 Cities

• Tier 2 Cities

• Tier 3 Cities


China Plant Protein Consumption by Demographics


• Age

• Gender

• Income


Key Plant Protein Brands in China (based on consumer popularity)


• Alpro

• Amazonia

• Arbonne

• Australia's Own

• Body Science Bsc

• Bulk Nutrients

• Chris Foods

• Coco & Lucas

• Coles Nature's Kitchen

• Designer Physique

• Fable Foods

• Fry's

• Gardein

• Go Macro

• Happy Way

• Health Lab

• Heinz- Plant Proteinz

• Heritage Mill

• Honest to Goodness

• International Protein

• Iwon Organics

• Keep It Cleaner

• Kez's Kitchen

• Lenny & Larry's

• Linda Mccartney's

• Loma Linda

• Lyfe Fuel

• Macro Mike

• Made With Plants

• Melinda's

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