
As discussed, there are a lot of different characteristics that are associated with fly fishing that result in it being more successful than
conventional fishing.However,this is only going to be the case if you get your technique down. With that being said, below, we are going toreveal some of the different tips that you can use in order to catch more fish with fly fishing.
Watch the bugs
The first step you need to take when fly fishing is to be observant and watch the bugs: Before you begin to cast away, you need to payattention to the bugs that are near the water or on the water.Take a look at what kind of bugs the fish are eating. By doing this, you will beable to determine what sort of fly is going to be the most effective and result in you catching the most fish.You also need to think aboutwhat trout could be eating under the surface of the water.Try some of your wet fies or nymphs that match the most common underwatersnacks. Simply choosing a fly without thought is not the way to go if you want to catch as many fish as possible while trout fly fishing!
Test the length of your leader
The next tip to ensuring you catch as many fish as possible when fly fishing is to test the leader's length. Depending on the technique andfy you use,you may want either a shorter or longer leader length.For wet or dry flies, try using a longer leader. This should be anywherebetween 12 and 20 feet.A shorter leader is going to be more beneficial if you are utilizing a streamer, so go for something between sevenand eight feet. t is more than okay for you to try out different lengths on your leader so that you can figure out which is going to be themost effective for you and the fish you are trying to catch.
Approach fish carefully
when you are stalking fish, make sure you approach low and make the most of any cover that you can, for example, bushes and long grassrushes. f you can, make sure you keep a low profile,especially when you are on a igh bank with the skyline behind you.Remember, whena fish is deep, it is going to be able to see you from further away than fish that are close to the surface.This is because of the way in whichfish see.They have an impeccable vision.They have the ablity to uniquely adapt their vision to distinguish predators and locate food. This iswhy you need to do everything in your effort to blend into your surroundings. You may not think so but wearing bright clothes is only goingto lower your success rates.
Walk softly and be as quiet as possible
Once you are in pole position, it is important to walk softly and to be as quiet as possible.This is something a lot of people take for granted.Nevertheless, fish are as sensitive to vibration and noise as they are to visual warnings. f ou walk softly on the banks of the river and youtry to wade as quiety and slowly as you can, you willdefinitely notice better results. Of course, trout don't have ears, but what they do haveis lateral lines that they use for detecting vibration and movement in the surrounding water.