
Nowadays humans live busy lives. You may fall into this category as well. There is no surprise that you may need to let your cat alone for a long time every day. But keep in mind that it is still your responsibility to make sure that your pets' life is not affected negatively by your busy schedule. For this reason, you need to understand certain things about them. For example, should you use dog crates to keep your cat closed while you are away? Or what are the benefits of a cat scratcher?
These are very important questions because they will not only affect the happiness of your cat, but the right answers will also improve your life as well. In this article, you will find out how to take better care of your cat even if you have a busy schedule. Moreover, you will also find out what benefits can you expect to get if you take good care of your cat.
Why You Should Never Close a Cat in Dog Crates?
Yes, you should not keep your cat locked in dog crates under any circumstances. Cats are more like humans in this aspect. They love their freedom and if you take it away from them it will not only affect their moods but their health as well. Once or twice may not get them sick, but if you make from that a habit and you close your cat every time you go to work, then you should expect it to get sick sooner or later.
So if you want to keep your cat locked for its safety, then that is the wrong move. You need to know that your cat is much safer left free around the house than it will be locked in a crate. Moreover, you can use certain toys and tools to make sure that it is busy and active, like a small ball and a cat scratcher. These tools will not only ensure that your cat plays safely around the house but it will also keep it active and healthy.
On the other hand, if you are afraid that your cat will damage your house, and that is the reason for which you want to lock it, then you do not need to worry either. The toys and tools mentioned above will not only ensure the safety and health of your cat. But they will also ensure that your cat is busy enough to not have the time required to damage your furniture or other parts of your house.
What Tools and Toys, Including a Cat Scratcher, You Must Prepare When You Leave the Cat Alone?
Now that you understand why you should never lock you can in dog crates, is time to see what other tools and toys, including a cat scratcher , you can use to keep your cat from damaging your house while also keeping it healthy:
- Small toys. As you may already know, your cat loves to play with small things. If you do not want it to play with your footwear or other small things around the house, then you need to provide some toys for it. Nowadays you can find online a lot of different toys. There are balls and small mice for your cat to play alone. Or if you want to tire it before you leave the house, then you can use fake wild tails and lasers.
- Cat scratcher. No one likes to see their cat's scratches all around the house. But you need to understand that it is mandatory for your cat to scratch. Otherwise, its nails will grow until they harm its paws. The best alternative that you have to keep your cat healthy and stop it from damaging your house with scratches is by using a scratcher. Just make sure that your cat can stretch while it scratches and also that the scratcher is very stable. Otherwise, the cat may be inclined to not use it.
- Bed. Cats love to sleep, especially after they play continuously for hours. So, after your cat had played and scratched enough it will be time for it to sleep. You can find a very large variety of cat beds online from which you can choose from. You can even find combinations between a bed, a scratcher and other toys, thus taking care of all of your cat's activity needs at the same time.