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Read the Medication Guide provided by your pharmacist before you start takingoxycodone/acetaminophen and each time you get a refill. If you have anyquestions, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Take this medication by mouth as directed by your doctor. Youmay take this drug with or without food. If you have nausea, it may help totake this drug with food. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about other ways todecrease nausea (such as lying down for 1 to 2 hours with as little headmovement as possible).
Avoid eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice whileusing this medication unless your doctor or pharmacist says you may do sosafely. Grapefruit can increase the chance of side effects with this medicine.Ask your doctor or pharmacist for more details.
If you are using a liquid form of this medication, use amedication measuring device to carefully measure the prescribed dose. Do notuse a household spoon because you may not get the correct dose.
The dosage is based on your medical condition and response totreatment. Do not increase your dose, take the medication more frequently, ortake it for a longer time than prescribed. Properly stop the medication when sodirected.
Pain medications work best if they are used as the firstsigns of pain occur. If you wait until the pain has worsened, the medicationmay not work as well.