Buy Online Modalert
Buy Online Modalert
Modalert is a prescription central nervous system stimulant that helpspeople stay awake, enhance concentration, and combat fatigue.

Buy Online Modalert

What is Modalert (Provigil)?

Modalert is a prescription central nervous system stimulant that helpspeople stay awake, enhance concentration, and combat fatigue.

It is commonly used to treat narcolepsy andshift work sleep disorder but doctors may also prescribe it off-label for manyreasons, such as to treat ADHD, for airline pilots, or to treat excessivefatigue associated with medical conditions like cancer or multiple sclerosis(MS).

Researchers aren’t exactly sure how Modalert 200 works, but they believe it stimulates theproduction of monoamines (a class of neurotransmitters), which includesdopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin. Although Modalert 200 is a highlyeffective prescription medication, it has the same effect on dopamine centersof the brain as cocaine, methamphetamine, and amphetamines do.1 Like otherstimulants, it also causes psychoactive and euphoric effects, which influence aperson’s moods, thoughts, emotions, and perceptions.

Not surprisingly, due to its ability tostimulate the brain, enhance focus and concentration, reduce appetite, andgreatly reduce the need for sleep, Modalert is commonly abused non-medicallywithout a prescription.

In the United States, Modalert is sold underthe brand name Provigil. The medication is produced in tablet form (100mg or200 mg tablets) and is intended to be taken once daily. Generally, it iswell-tolerated by most people and clinical evidence shows Provigil may causemild withdrawal symptoms in some patients, although physical dependence fromModalert use or abuse is very rare.

Although other similar stimulants likeAdderall are regarded as being significantly more dangerous when it comes totheir potential for abuse, Modalert (Provigil) is a Schedule IV drug in theUnited States, which means it does have the potential to be abused and it maycause physical or psychological dependence in some individuals.

Is Modalert Addictive?

Some research suggests that Modalert(Provigil) may have some potential for addiction and abuse. One study from theJournal of the American Medical Association found that Modalert's method ofaction is similar to that of very addictive drugs like meth and cocaine.1 Thissuggests that people with a history of substance abuse problems may be moreprone to Modalert abuse as well.

Research has also proven that Modalertdependence is possible, although rare.2 The case study’s findings provideevidence that Provigil can produce mild tolerance, which means some people mayabuse it to achieve the same effects they felt at lower doses. As a result,they might develop feelings of psychological or physical dependence.

Also, more and more high school and collegestudents, working professionals, and others are beginning to abuse Modalert asa cognitive enhancer. Unfortunately, Modalert has gained a reputation asanother smart drug with the ability to improve cognitive performance. However,although Provigil will increase concentration, much like a few cups of a coffeecan, it is not a wonder drug. In fact, when it’s abused in large doses, it canactually have the opposite effect and may make a person more distractible.

About Modalert (Provigil) Abuseand Addiction

Modalert 200 is commonly abused as a study drug bystudents, professionals, and others who are looking to fight fatigue and stayawake longer as well as enhance their focus and concentration. Although Provigilis a milder prescription stimulant than Adderall or others, it may still havethe potential to cause psychological dependence if it’s abused.

The 2018 National Survey on Drug Abusereports that prescription stimulant abuse is a big problem in the U.S. In 2018alone, about 5.1 million Americans misused prescription stimulants likeProvigil in the past year.

What Are the Side Effects ofModalert Abuse?

Modalert can sometimes cause unwanted sideeffects. If a student or young person is using Provigil without a prescription,he or she may experience some of the following sides effects:

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Loss of appetite
  • Excessive thirst/dry mouth
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Muscle tightness or pain
  • Skin peeling
  • Blisters
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Headache

What Are the Signs and Symptomsof Modalert Abuse?

Modalert addiction is extremely rare, but ifsomeone is taking Provigil without a prescription and using it as a cognitiveenhancer, he or she may also display some of the other typical signs of drugabuse, such as:

  • Frequently trying to obtain a prescription for Provigil
  • Lying about taking Provigil
  • Worrying about getting the next dose of Provigil
  • Experiencing uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms
  • Developing a tolerance
  • Continuing to abuse Modalert despite the harmful physical, emotional, and social consequences

What Are the Withdrawal Symptomsof Modalert?

Many people do not report experiencing anywithdrawal symptoms after discontinuing the use of Modalert. However, somepeople may experience Provigil withdrawal symptoms like:

  • Poor concentration
  • Tiredness or fatigue
  • Low energy
  • Depression
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sleepiness

If a person experiences any Modalertwithdrawal symptoms they are typically very mild. However, if the symptoms aremore severe and you’re finding it difficult to quit on your own, a medicaldetox program can provide safe stabilization and medical treatment to help youthrough it.

Can You Just Stop TakingModalert?

If you have been misusing Modalert as acognitive enhancer and you want to stop, it’s best to do so gradually to giveyour body time to adjust to the absence of the medication. Much like otherprescription drugs, you should talk to your doctor before modifying your dosageor getting off Modalert entirely.

However, if you’ve become accustomed to usingProvigil without a prescription and you want to stop, withdrawal symptoms mayoccur. In this case, you may need medical assistance to safely quit. A medicaldetox program can provide medication-assisted treatment and clinical counselingto help you manage any physical or psychological side effects of quitting yourModalert habit.

Depending on the severity of your Provigilabuse, your substance abuse history, and your treatment needs as determined byyour doctor, you may also want to continue treatment after detox by enrollingin a residential rehab program, intensive outpatient program (IOP), or a soberliving program. These types of addiction treatment programs can help youaddress the root causes of your addictive behavior, help you cope withcravings, and make positive life changes.

How Long Does it Take forModalert to Get Out Of Your System?

Most Modalert users don’t experiencewithdrawal symptoms and there is no predetermined timeline for those that mayexperience it. However, with its long half-life of about 12 to 15 hours, theeffects of Modalert usually disappear after about 16-22 hours. Therefore,Modalert can remain in your body for up to four days after the initial dose.

Although Modalert can be detected via a drugor urine drug test, corporate employers are very unlikely to test for it. However,professional gaming or e-sports participants and students may be more likely tobe drug tested for specific prescription stimulant drugs like Provigil since itis more likely to be abused among these populations.

How Can I Get Off Modalert?

If you are psychologically dependent onModalert, it may be difficult to stop using it. In these instances, you mayneed professional help to get off Provigil. A medical detox program can helpyou overcome your prescription stimulant abuse and prepare for ongoing treatmentin rehab.

During rehab, clinical counselors andaddiction treatment specialists will help you make behavioral changes andsustain long-term sobriety by using evidence-based addiction treatmentapproaches such as:

  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Contingency management
  • 12-Step facilitation therapy
  • Family behavior therapy
  • Rational emotive behavioral therapy
  • Specialized therapies like art therapy, music therapy, or pet therapy

A drug rehab program may not always be necessaryfor someone struggling with Modalert abuse, but depending on the severity ofthe psychological addiction and his or her drug abuse history, it could behelpful.

Inpatient Drug Rehab vs. Outpatient DrugRehab for Modalert Abuse

During residential rehab clients:

Live at the drug rehab center while theycomplete treatment abide by the rules and regulations set forth by staff Attendone-on-one therapy, group family, and family therapy sessions participate inrecovery-centered group activities on-site and off-siteMay have visitors butgenerally have limited access to people and places outside the rehabcenter               

During outpatient rehab clients:

Live at home or a sober living home whilethey complete treatment abide by the rules and regulations set forth by staffattend in-person or online group sessions several times each week maintainpersonal responsibilities at work, school, or at home. Completerecovery-related assignments and activities in group sessions and independently

The cost of residential rehab programs andoutpatient rehab programs can vary depending on their location, amenities, andservices offered. However, most addiction treatment providers accept insurance,which can greatly reduce the cost of addiction treatment. Depending on yourhealth insurance policy and coverage, a portion of the cost of your treatmentmay be covered. Alternatively, you can pay for addiction treatment using otherpayment options such as:

What Are Continued Care Optionsfor Modalert Abuse?

After completing detox or rehab for Modalert,you may choose to continue receiving sobriety support through various programslike sober living or aftercare.

Sober LivingPrograms

Sober living programs are designed to supportmen and women in recovery by providing a safe, sober place to live. Soberliving homes are traditionally gender-specific homes and some offer LGBTQhousing or pet-friendly housing as well.

Many sober living homes provide additionalrecovery support services to help residents thrive and adjust to life after addictiontreatment. These recovery support services may include:

Drug and alcohol testing

  • Certified peer recovery support programs
  • Phased recovery programming
  • Employment assistance
  • Volunteer placement
  • Educational planning
  • Access to IOP and clinical care services via a third-party company or provider

Health insurance providers don’t cover thecost of sober living programs, but many provide affordable housing options forpeople in recovery. Some may even offer scholarships or financial assistance.
