
Fildena100mg pill is a brand new generic variant of the well-known original male enhancement drug Viagra. It is manufactured by Hoffman-La-Roche and wasfirst approved by FDA in 1996. This is the best-selling male enhancement pill that is prescribed by doctors across the country. It works by preventing the enzymes hormones estrogen and testosterone from binding with the cell receptors in the penis. The main action of Fildena is to enhance and prolong the erection of the male organ.
In men, the most common dysfunction associated with low sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, impotence is the reduction in the level of sildenafil, also referred to as-acetyl-diphosphoglycerate or ADS in your bloodstream. Low levels of this phosphodiesterase cause sildenafil to bind to and prevent the release of blood flow into the penis. Once there is sufficient blood flow to the penis, the muscular organ becomes erect and can easily attain an erection. Fildenacan increases the length and girth of your erection, as well as the firmness of your erection.
Fildena contain 100mg ofsildenafil per tablet. Each tablet contains a blank tablet, with instructions written inside. The instructions state that one pill per day is the minimum recommended dosage for healthy adults. Higher than this dosage may result in serious adverse effects on your body. Fildena is available without prescription in America. Before purchasing, you must ensure that the Fildena pills you are going to buy are authentic.
Like other herbal remedies, the ingredients of the Fildena 100mg pill are believed to improve overall sexual health and well-being.
More Solution: Fildena50 | Fildena 25 | Fildena150