
Radiopharmaceuticals (sometimes remarked as radioactive medications) are pharmaceuticals that contain radionuclides that produce radiation. The physiochemical features of the drugs, the steadiness of the radiolabel, the purity of the radiopharmaceutical preparation, the pathophysiologic state of the patient, and also the presence or absence of interfering pharmaceuticals all influence the distribution of the radiopharmaceutical inside the body. A -camera or similar suitable device appropriate for the radiopharmaceutical being photographed is accustomed obtain dynamic and static images of the distribution of the radiopharmaceutical within the body. For nonimaging techniques, radioactivity in defined areas of accumulation or in biologic samples are often detected after delivery of the radiopharmaceutical. For therapeutic operations, high-dose, nonpenetrating radiation in limited regions of radiopharmaceutical accumulation are often beneficial.
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