Brand New Hygienic Way of Advertising
Brand New Hygienic Way of Advertising
Keeping our hands clean has been one of the best ways we know how to stay safe. One of the most common ways is washing your hands and using a hand sanitizer.

Keeping our hands clean has been one of the best ways we know how to stay safe.  One of the most common ways is washing your hands and using a hand sanitizer.  Here most recently with this pandemic, we have been up on a hype about hand sanitizer.  

Hand sanitizer has been put in a lot of things: small squeeze bottles, large bottles with a pump, and on a customized keychain to make it more accessible.  More recently it has been put into a kiosk and used in many places which have made hand sanitizer even more accessible.  People use it in doctors offices and malls because that's where a lot of people are gathered and could potentially spread a disease.  They have been getting more popular giving the fact that you don't even have to touch anything to be able to sanitize your hands.  As more people are worried about their hands being clean and getting a virus, because of the pandemic, the more people will use hand sanitizer when available. 

Now everyone loves a good hand sanitizer but how is this related to advertising? Where is the marketing strategy? 

Hand sanitizer advertising kiosk is a mix between a normal hand sanitizing kiosk and an advertising kiosk. These kiosks usually have a digital screen that shows advertisements, videos, news, any kind of message, as well as dispense hand sanitizer without someone having to touch anything.  The number of advertisements and how many times depends on your agreement with its owner and the owner of the facility you choose.  You could even have your own that you can schedule and set expiration dates on the content, as well as remote control the kiosk.  

Places like the mall or doctors, where you would see these kiosks, see a lot of people in a day.  The average family doctor has about 2,300 patients on his "panel"— which is, the number of clients under his or her care.  Now that's just one doctor alone in the US, there are 525,439 registered doctors.  That is a lot of patients and a lot of people to see your advertisement.   Not only that but people also these kiosks are at many malls and shopping centers too.  People usually also use these machines more than once and the more someone sees something, the more it sticks in their memory.  People are especially more likely to use it now after society has made it a necessity, so you have a less chance of contracting an illness.  

In all and all, the hand sanitizer advertising kiosk, allows you to advertise to a person as they are passing by the kiosk or are using it, and it also allows the person to keep up their hygiene and will more likely think about your company as they use your kiosk multiple times.  People are also likely to link your advertisement to something “necessary” due to the society making hand sanitizing necessary.