
A rubber or similar piece of material that is wrapped around a patient's arm and then inflated to take their blood pressure is called a Blood Pressure Cuffs. Although blood pressure readings were not a component of the test, the blood pressure cuff was also used to assess capillary fragility. Tests for capillary fragility were created to find abnormally weaker capillary walls in the skin that would break more easily when swollen, giving rise to the appearance of many petechiae. Numerous illnesses, including coagulopathies, vitamin deficiency diseases (such as scurvy), infectious diseases (such as scarlet fever), endocrine disorders (such as hyperthyroidism), and dermatologic disorders, were linked to capillary fragility.
The majority of automated blood pressure monitors use oscillometry. The blood pressure monitor detects oscillations brought on by the arterial pulse as the automatic Blood Pressure Cuffs deflate. At the mean arterial pressure, the oscillation amplitude reaches its maximum. Systolic and diastolic blood pressures are calculated based on proprietary algorithms from the rate of change in oscillation amplitude rather than being directly monitored. Inappropriate cuff size, motion artefact, arrhythmias, and high blood pressure readings can all lead to measurement errors.
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