
Roots Analysis has announced theaddition of “Live Biotherapeutic Products and Microbiome ContractManufacturing Market, 2020-2030: Focus on Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients andFinished Dosage Forms, 2020-2030”report to its list of offerings.
Manufacturing livebiotherapeutic products is both technically challenging and financiallydemanding; as a result, innovator firms are becoming increasingly reliant oncontract service providers to access specialized facilities and optimizeoverall costs.
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Key Market Insights
Over25 players claim to provide microbiome-based live biotherapeutics contract manufacturing
More than 80% of the companiesengaged in this domain are mid-sized and large firms; examples of firms established in 2019 include Arranta Bio and BacThera(a Lonza and Chr. Hansen joint venture). Further, nearly 50% of the CMOshave established the necessary expertise for handling both anaerobic andaerobic strains.
35+manufacturing facilities focused on live biotherapeutics have been established worldwide
Majority(~55%) of the manufacturing facilities are located in Europe, followed by North America. Prominentmanufacturing hubs in the Europe include (in decreasing order of number ofmanufacturing facilities) the UK,France, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, and Sweden.
Approximately88% of the total installed capacity is dedicated to commercial scalemanufacturing
Whereas, rest (~10%) of the capacity is being used for preclinical / clinicalscale manufacturing of microbiome products. In addition, over 60% of the totalcurrent global, installed manufacturing capacity is installed in Europe.
Over170 registered clinical trials involved the use of microbiome-based livebiotherapeutics
Majorityof these studies are being conducted at various hospitals / centers across theUS. Examples of leading non-industry players include (in decreasing order ofnumber of trials) University of California, National Institute of Allergyand Infectious Diseases, Radboud University, and The University of Texas HealthScience Center.
The global clinical demandfor microbiome-based live biotherapeutic products is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 23%,between 2020 and 2030
By2030, over 31,000 patients are estimated to be enrolled in the clinical trialsinvolving the use of microbiome-based live biotherapeutics. Industry playersare anticipated to contribute majority (over 60%) of the demand in theshort-term as well as long-term.
Severalbig pharma players are actively engaged in the microbiome live biotherapeuticsdomain
Infact, leading pharmaceutical companies have partnered with smaller businessentities to develop manufacturing capabilities related to microbiome-basedtherapies / diagnostics. Examples of such small ventures with players within-house capability include (in alphabetical order) AssemblyBiosciences, Enterome Bioscience, Finch Therapeutics and NuBiyota.
By 2030, North America and Europe are anticipated tocapture over 85% of the market opportunity
Interms of type of product manufactured, APIs currently represent the highestshare (58%); this trend is unlikely to change in the foreseen future.
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KeyQuestions Answered
§ Whoare the leading CMOs offering microbiome contract manufacturing services,across the world?
§ Whatare the key challenges faced by microbiome contract manufacturers?
§ Whatis the annual clinical demand for microbiome-based live biotherapeutic products?
§ What is the current, installed contractmanufacturing capacity for live biotherapeutics?
§ Whatare the key factors influencing the make (manufacture in-house) versusbuy (outsource) decision in this field?
§ Whatare the various initiatives undertaken by big pharma players in this domain?
§ Whatpercentage of live biotherapeutics manufacturingoperations are outsourced to service providers?
§ Howis the current and future market opportunity likely to be distributed acrosskey market segments?
§ What are the anticipated future trends related to live biotherapeutics manufacturing?
The USD 300 million (by 2030) financial opportunitywithin the microbiome contract manufacturing market has been analysed acrossthe following segments:
§ Typeof Product Manufactured
§ ActivePharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs)
§ FinishDrug Formulations (FDFs)
§ Typeof Type of Formulation
§ SolidFormulations
§ OralLiquids
§ Injectables
§ Others
§ Scaleof Operation
§ Clinical
§ Commercial
§ CompanySize
§ Small-sized
§ Mid-sized
§ Large
§ KeyGeographical Regions
§ NorthAmerica
§ Europe
§ Asia-Pacificand Rest of the World
Theresearch covers detailed profiles brief profiles of several companies (includingthose listed below); each profile features an overview of the company, itsfinancial information (if available),microbiome-related service portfolio, facilities dedicated to microbiomemanufacturing, and an informed future outlook.
§ Biose®
§ BJPLaboratories
§ Capsugel(acquired by Lonza)
§ Cerbios-Pharma
§ CobraBiologics (acquired Cognate Bioservices)
§ InpacProbiotics
§ Paragon Bioservices (a unit of Catalent Biologics)
§ UASLabs
For additionaldetails, please visit oremail
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About Roots Analysis
Roots Analysis is one of the fastest growingmarket research companies, sharing fresh and independent perspectives in thebio-pharmaceutical industry. The in-depth research, analysis and insights aredriven by an experienced leadership team which has gained many years ofsignificant experience in this sector. If you’d like help with your growingbusiness needs, get in touch at
Contact Information
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415
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