
Products and services, sample type, storage type,application, end-user, and region are all used to segment the worldwide BiobankingEquipment Market. The market is divided into equipment, consumables,services, and software when it comes to products and services. Storageequipment, sample analysis equipment, sample processing equipment, sampletransport equipment, and others are all sub-categories of equipment. Storageconsumables, analysis consumables, processing consumables, collectingconsumables, and others are all sub-categories of consumables.
Biorepository biobanking technology is used to archivebiological samples and associated data for current and future research. Biobankserves an essential role in pharmacogenomics, genetic epidemiology, moleculardiagnostics, and molecular pathology, among other fields of biomedicalresearch. Purified blood, saliva, plasma, tissue samples, and DNA samples canall be stored in a biobank. Biobanking aids in the prevention, treatment, anddiagnosis of a variety of ailments, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes,arthritis, and eye disorders.
Storage services, processing services, transportationservices, and supply services are the four sub-categories of services. Themarket is divided into blood products, human tissues, cell lines, nucleicacids, biological fluids, and others based on sample type. The market isdivided into two types of storage: manual storage and automated storage. Themarket is divided into three categories based on application: regenerativemedicine, life science research, and clinical research. The market is dividedinto hospitals, diagnostic laboratories, research centres, and other end-users.The market is divided into four regions: the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific,and the Middle East and Africa.
Biobanking Equipment Market are concentrating ondeveloping new products for secure sample storage. Micronic, for example, addednew screw cap recappers to their sample handling equipment line in September2017. The company launched a high-volume storage tube in December 2017 toimprove sample traceability during clinical trials. Panasonic Biomedical SalesEurope B.V. also developed a new VIP ECO Ultra low temperature upright freezerfor storing samples in October 2017.
Key takeaways of the Biobanking Equipment Market:
· Because of the growing use of precisionmedicine, the worldwide Biobanking Equipment Market is predicted to riseat a CAGR of 7.5 percent over the forecast period (2017–2026). For example, theFDA authorised larotrectinib, an advanced precision medicine for a widespectrum of malignancies based on a common mutation rather than the tumours'sites, in November 2018.
· Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., BioLifeSolutions, Inc., Beckman Coulter, Inc., Panasonic Biomedical Sales, BioCision,Taylor-Wharton International, VWR International, and So-Low EnvironmentalEquipment Co. and Tecan AG are some of the key participants in the BiobankingEquipment Market.
The following section provides an overview of the global BiobankingEquipment Market. This includes a market overview as well as a standarddefinition of the product - biobanking equipment. The readers can find marketvalue and year-over-year growth in this part. Year-over-year growth givesreaders a more comprehensive picture of growth trends across the anticipated period.
The research contains updates on market opportunities, whichmight benefit key manufacturers of biobanking equipment, in order to providereaders with up-to-date information about the latest breakthroughs in theworldwide Biobanking Equipment Market. With the healthcare industry'sconstant growth, biobanking equipment makers must keep track of the latestadvances and trends in order to establish crucial business strategies. Thissection contains detailed information on raw material procurement, supplychain, regulatory approvals, pricing analysis, distributor list, and coststructure.
Between 2021 and 2026, the Biobanking Equipment Marketis predicted to grow rapidly in all development areas. The study on the BiobankingEquipment Market focuses on the key drivers and restraints for keycompetitors, as well as the current competitive landscape and potentialprospects.