
Tablet point of sale systems, Android Tablet systems, and Windows Based Tablet systems became an enormous success within the restaurant POS systems. The iPad and Android tablets typically believe an "always-on" Internet connection or an onsite PC with a wireless connection to function. This limitation does not apply to most PC based systems or Windows-based tablets. But this limitation does apply to most cloud-based and Software as a service POS systems Australia. within the past, many PC based restaurant POS systems relied on a back-office PC. This meant that if the rear office PC failed so did all the POS terminals. This also appeared like an enormous limitation, but most restaurants never experienced a back-office failure lasting quite a couple of minutes and therefore the same is now true with Internet access. Almost every restaurant is using its POS system for credit card processing which also requires Internet access to attach the restaurant to its credit card processor. These systems do not require an "always-on" Internet connection, but when a guest presents their credit card for payment, time is of the essence. Fortunately, most restaurant Point of Sale systems can utilize a telephone backup connection from the network router to process credit cards when the restaurant loses its DSL Internet connection.