Awaken the Human Spirit & Godly Spirituality, With "Your Personal Destiny" By Evangelist John Dye
Awaken the Human Spirit & Godly Spirituality, With "Your Personal Destiny" By Evangelist John Dye
Work out your relationship with God to stay on the path to godliness.

NEW YORK, NY, OCTOBER 27, 2021 The human spirit is like a lamb, but the world follows the advice it has made out for itself. For some, it is the friendship of hoarding wealth. For some, it is the lust for immense power. While many others wander aimlessly without a shepherd and are taken everywhere, coast to coast like waves. And then there are those who have made God their shepherd and engaged in His fellowship. Each one of us has a destiny that needs to be awakened by the spirit. But the key to unlocking the full potential of the same or unified destiny is for it to be shaped and led by God. But how do we know how to awaken the human spirit? Thankfully, Evangelist John Dye has some wise words for us in his new book, "Your Personal Destiny: A Complete Guide." 


This book, in all its wisdom, is simple. It has been written in such a way that even a teenager can comprehend it. "Fellowship isn't academia. Remove the unnecessary complications and negativity then God can change your heart and mind to see your destiny", said Evangelist John Dye. He encompasses that each believer needs to have a personal relationship with God apart from the congregation and the church. God has a plan for all of us as He did for the Prophets and Apostles and millions of believers since then who answered His call. Your destiny is to fulfill God's plan, and this book shows just how to go about it. 


"Believing in God is the answer. Confess with your mouth & believe in your heart then you're declared a believer. It's the following that's difficult. The personal relationship that needs developing, especially in this postmodern world that lacks belief, leaving so many people short of unlocking their destiny. Don't run after worldly titles and celebrity culture for God is removing the wheat from the chaff. Ladies and gentlemen, the time is here yet again to be an integral part of God's plan for your lives and for the world. Let Your Personal Destiny show you how", said Evangelist John Dye. 



"Your Personal Destiny: A Complete Guide" is a book on Godly fellowship that has been written by Evangelist John Dye. He lays out how you can unlock the full potential of your destiny by having a personal relationship with God. He is regarded as an Expert Consultant on many issues of today's society to improve the lives of those who listen to his god-given message. (Get a copy on his website and listen to his radio interview below.)



Name: Evangelist John Dye                                                       

Book Title: Your Personal Destiny: A Complete Guide                                                                

Book Link:                                                                     

Radio Interview: 

Contact Person: Olivia Jackson

Company: The Universal Breakthrough



