
20thMarch 2020: The entertainment industry is a dynamicworld where you can earn money by showcasing your talent online. Now that youcan avail of the online forums and brilliant platforms, you can easily makemusic independently sitting at home and posting them. The recent outbreak of theCorona Virus is taking a toll on the morale of people. In this dreadful time,musicians like Wayne Dreadksi are providing hope and confidence to the peopleof the world with his music. He is also earning a decent amount of moneywithout going outside and risking his life.
The independence an artistcan enjoy with the aid of the best online portals for music is a blessing. Youcan now produce your own piece of art and entertain your fans. While staying athome and maintaining social distance as directed by the WHO, you can focustotally on your art. Create music and follow the footsteps of Wayne Dreadski.He is currently enjoying a good royalty over its new album named ‘TravelAddict’. According to the expert independent musician, here is a list ofbrilliant ways to create music and make money online.
· Post music on iTunes, Google Play,AmazonMP3, etc and get paid for every download.
· Stream your music and generate revenue fromApple Music, Spotify, etc.
· Follow the news on Facebook and generaterevenue via selling music on this social media platform.
· Seek performance royalties from radio, TVchannels, etc.
· Use YouTube to open a channel and shareyour music to earn money.
You can also seekcrowd-funding from Patreon and other amazing online platforms. Make thematicmusic sitting at home based on common topics like travel, love, etc. getintuitive and find your inspirations. Learn Making money with your music andfollow the footsteps of Wayne Dreadski to become famous and earn money when theentire world is quarantined due to this epidemic.
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Mr.Issac Alexander
3249 West Main Parkway
New York, NY 10001