
Casp app provides its debit card, that you can use for transactions. You can also add it at Walmart which is registered with it. But, it takes a process fee and also there is a limit. If you are not able to add cash app card at Walmart, then make sure, that shops are registered with the Walmart account to accept money. If you still fronting the same and want to sort it out then contact Cash app customer service. https://www.mailsupportcontact.com/phone-number/cash-app
Avail Cash app customer service, if unable to add cash app card at Walmart.
Casp app provides its debit card, that you can usefor transactions. You can also add it at Walmart which is registered withit. But, it takes a process fee and also there is a limit. If youare not able to add cash app card at Walmart, then make sure, that shops areregistered with the Walmart account to accept money. If you stillfronting the same and want to sort it out then contact Cash appcustomer service.