Autism - Shishu Child Development And Early Intervention Centre
Autism - Shishu Child Development And Early Intervention Centre
We are a team of Developmental Pediatrician, Occupational Therapists, Remedial Educators, Speech Therapists, Psychologist, Physiotherapist, ABA therapists providing comprehensive developmental assessments and therapies under one roof.

Autism Early-Symptoms

"Autism usually manifests in the first year of life; its onset is not later than 3 years. Listed below are some of the things to watch for as a child grows. These developmental landmarks may be used as a guide to gauge a child's development. If there are any concerns about a child's development or if there is a loss of any skills at any age talk to a doctor as soon as possible."

By end of 12 months

    Watches faces intently, responds to other people's expressions of emotion

    Does not pay attention to or frightened of new faces

    Smiles, imitates some facial expressions, follows moving object with eyes

    Does not smile, does not follow moving object with eyes

    Begins to babble, imitates sounds and words, brings hand to mouth

    Does not babble, laugh and has difficulty bringing objects to the mouth

    Has single words like "dada", repeats sounds or gestures for attention

    Has no words

    Turns head toward direction of sound, responds to own name

    Does not turn head to locate sounds and appears not to respond to loud noises

    Pushes down on legs when feet placed on a firm surface; raises head and chest when lying on stomach

    Does not push down on legs when feet placed on a firm surface

    Smiles at mother or primary care-givers voice prefers them over all others

    Does not show affection to primary care-giver, dislikes being cuddled

    Can sit up without assistance, can pull self up to stand, walks holding on to furniture

    Does not crawl, cannot stand when supported

    Waves 'bye-bye' and points to objects

    Does not use gestures such as waving or pointing

By 24 months

    Walks alone, with support can negotiate stairs and furniture, carries and pulls toys while walking

    Cannot walk by 18 months or walks only on his toes, cannot push a wheeled toy

    Has several single words by 15 to 18 months; uses simple phrases by 24 months

    Does not speak; does not imitate actions, cannot follow simple instructions

    Imitates behaviour of others, excited about the company of other children

    Does not appear to know the function of a common household object such as a telephone by 15 months

By 36 months

    Uses 4-5 word sentences, understands most sentences and instructions

    Very limited speech, does not use short phrases, has difficulty in understanding simple instructions

    Imitates adults and playmates, expresses affection openly, separates easily from parents

    Has little interest in other children, has difficulty separating from mother or primary care-giver

    Sorts objects by shape and colour

    Difficulty in manipulating small objects

    Plays make believe

    Has little interest in 'make-believe' play

    Climbs well, runs, kicks a ball, negotiates stairs unaided

    Frequently falls, has difficulty with stairs