
How You Can Keep Your Workplace Safe Without It?
The presence of asbestos within buildings or premises are hard to detect, but their detection is important to know whether you need plans to manage it or not. As breathing in air containing asbestos can cause many health issues, you need a plan for asbestos management.
However, if you are not familiar with asbestos management and why you need it in your workplace in the first place, then this blog is for you. In this blog, we will talk about asbestos management planning in detail. Also, we will discuss why it is important that invest in an asbestos monitoring service and hire an environmental consultant to develop a plan for your asbestos management within your premises. So, let's get started!
What Is an Asbestos Management Plan?
An asbestos management plan is a document that provides an outline of how asbestos will be managed within a property. In the document, the activities done to manage the asbestos in the surrounding are given in a detailed way. Moreover, these activities are necessary to protect the occupants against exposure to asbestos fibres. Also, the document contains a site plan that shows the area on the premises where the possibility of asbestos particle presence is more. In addition to that, a monitoring service for detecting the presence of asbestos can also provide you with the details of the locations of these potential and confirmed places where you can find the asbestos particles. You may not be aware of the presence of asbestos fibres in your building but there are several places that can contain asbestos particles. Some of the common places in buildings where you can find asbestos particles are:
· Ceiling tiles that are made with asbestos.
· Ceramic tiles that have used asbestos cement sheets behind them.
· Air conditioning systems
· Old domestic-type stoves and wall insulation.
· Gutters, gas meter covers, ridge capping, and cable troughs moulded from asbestos cement.
· Internal walls and ceilings that use asbestos cement sheets.
· Sealant found between floor slab and wall.
· Roof tiles.
· Ceramic fuses and fuse blankets in switchboards
Other than the locations where you can find the asbestos particles, you will have information about each identified material's amount, condition, accessibility, and type.
Why Your Organisation Needs an Effective Asbestos Management Plan?
According to Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency, over 4,000 people die every year in Australia because of getting exposed to asbestos particles. Asbestos particles are very tiny particles that are released into the air from raw materials containing asbestos and degrade the quality of air. If people breathe this impure air for a long time, they can suffer from pleural diseases, asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma. After all, the asbestos particles enter the breathing tract with the air, reach there and settle down. So, any prolonged exposure can lead to fatal diseases. This is the reason why you monitor your air quality often.
If you want to have a clean and safe environment in your workplace, you need to conduct an asbestos monitoring survey often. According to the result of the survey, you can decide whether you need asbestos management plans or not. However, irrespective of the survey result, it is better to have a plan to keep the level of asbestos under control.
The Bottom Line
So, you must have understood by now that if you want to keep yourself or your employees protected, you need to get an asbestos monitoring service. With it, you will be able to detect th presence of asbestos particles in your building and surrounding. You can simply hire an environmental consultant and conduct a survey to detect the presence of asbestos. If you find tyour asbestos fibres in the survey report, you need to get a plan for asbestos monitoring to lessen its presence and watch out for your activities esponsible for the presence of asbestos in your building. So, don't waste any more time thinking about getting the service. You should just get it.