
Apple CEO Tim Cook said “The violation of privacy and privacy is serious enough to match global warming”
It is also a part of the story to consider that “tech companies are sufficiently monitored and self-censored just by sucking in information such as search terms and shopping data.”
Apple also released an easy-to-understand report, “A Day in the Life of Your Data,” about how much data is collected casually in our daily lives.
One of the companies that respond most sensitively to this personal information is Apple.
The confrontation between Apple and the advertising market reminds me of war.
The basic framework of this presentation is not very different.
It means that companies should not collect and use personal information carelessly. Apple has long been sensitive to the collection of personal information.
In 2005, third-party cookies were blocked by default in the Safari web browser.
Cookies are what keeps a record of my browsing on a website on the computer, which is originally intended to speed up access to the website and allow users to view the record of previously written information for themselves.
At some point, however, this cookie information plays an incredibly important role in Internet advertising.
Not only can the website contain both your usage history and what you have viewed, but checking this cookie information will accurately count how many people have accessed the site and viewed the advertisement.
It is a means to prevent repeated clicks and abuse, which are the headaches of Internet advertising.
By the way, Apple made it blocked by Vaughn.
In addition to this, Apple prevents apps from collecting the device’s unique ID and keeps changing the device’s unique number, the MAC address, when accessing the wireless Internet.
We are also launching an Apple ID to log in via social media. Social media login is a very convenient feature for both users and app developers, but from the point of view of an ad tracker, it is a very sweet service at the end of linking the information collected so far with a specific individual.
The user’s real name information, whose ID has been seen as’ABC’, can be directly linked through social media.
One of the companies most sensitive to this series of trends is Facebook.
Facebook is a company that uses personal information most aggressively in recent years.
It is also one of the companies that value the value of personal information the most, and some time ago, we received consent so that the personal information data remaining in WhatsApp, a messenger service acquired by Facebook, can be directly connected to Facebook and used.
Facebook is a company that attaches great importance to expanding the advertising market through more advanced personal information.
This is because advertising is the main business and fostering its role as an advertising platform is linked to the growth of Facebook.
Recently, Facebook is also directly dissatisfied with Apple’s privacy policy, and among them, app privacy is expected to have a significant impact on the actual app ecosystem.
When you open an app in the app store, there is an item called ‘Personal information collected by the app’ in the middle.
Here, you are required to specify how the app tracks users and what information is collected and used. App developers are asked to answer a few items when registering or updating their apps in the future. It’s easy to see how to track them.
User content, identifiers, usage data, and purchase history are the main contents.
Facebook believes that this policy will have an impact on ad revenue by shrinking app developers and the ad market.
There are also stories about preparing a lawsuit.
Google has also postponed app updates on iOS since December as this policy began.
Google is also a company that has a lot of concerns about the collection and use of personal information and advertisements.
First, it announced that it will change the method centering on SKAdNetwork, which Apple proposes as an alternative to the method of IDFA, which was previously used in the process of verifying personal information of the app and, among others, identifying specific users.
Apple previously restricted access to UUIDs, which were used to directly identify devices.
IDFA, which has been identifying users since then, will be able to start identification only if the user agrees to this iOS 14 and new privacy policy. It is suggested to run an advertising program.
It is following Apple’s policy, which would have been a lot of trouble for Google.
And soon, updates of Google apps for iOS are expected to begin.
Google actively uses personal information, but it is more sensitive and meticulously managing information than any other company.
It is a company that has both Apple’s position and Facebook’s position.
Data is also the most important company for Google because users need to be assured of Google’s service and data management to continuously store and analyze data to create better services.
Google is itself an advertising network, but it is also a large platform operator.
We must also present a user protection policy that is comparable to Apple.
One of them is Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC), an interest-based advertising technique that allows Chrome web browsers to securely access personal information on the behalf of cookies.
It is a function that hides individuals within a group while gathering people with similar interests and providing information, including advertisements.
Google has established a basic policy of creating a personal information sandbox within the Chrome browser to block services from accessing information other than the corresponding web browser window, and FLoC is used as part of that. Of course, it means protecting individuals without significantly affecting the effectiveness of advertising and campaigns.
What Apple is talking about is no different.
The most important thing about personal information and privacy is not to stop using it right away.
At the very least, I need to know what information is being collected and where it is being used, and if necessary, I should be able to refuse analysis. It means that the right to make a decision must be ahead.
Of course, some point out that through this policy, Google and Apple will build stronger barriers to their platforms and ad network services.
Facebook is dissatisfied with this, but there will be many other companies that cannot express their dissatisfaction. However, the basic principle of these policies, ‘Personal information is mine’, is very important.
One of the criteria when selecting an app or service is personal information management.
Eventually, if you don’t agree with the process and procedure, the era of excellence and loss of great competitiveness will come.
Where and how is my personal information being used now?
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