
Hightarget specificity and favorable safety profiles offered by antibody basedpharmacological interventions has created a high demand for such molecules; thedomain has witnessed an increased inflow of investments and collaborationopportunities.
RootsAnalysis has announced the addition of “AntibodyDiscovery: Services and Platforms Market (3rd Edition), 2020-2030” reportto its list of offerings.
The development of such biologics is inherently complex,and many drug developers are now seeking to optimize R&D efficiency andaffiliated costs. As a result, innovator companies are outsourcing most oftheir discovery-stage operations to specialty contract research organizations(CROs), which offer a plethora of advanced technologies to cater to theevolving needs. It is also worth highlighting that stakeholders engaged in thisdomain are actively undertaking initiatives to develop interventions forSARS-CoV-2 virus.
KeyMarket Insights
Presently,more than 80 players claim to offer services for antibody discovery
Over 90% of the aforementioned players provide servicesfor hit generation, followed by those offering services for antibodyhumanization (58%). It is worth mentioning that five service providers claim tohave the required expertise to serve as one-stop-shops for all the antibodydiscovery steps.
Morethan 120 companies offer antibody discovery platforms
It is worth highlighting that close to 180 technologiesfocused on antibody discovery are presently available in the market. Further,nearly 50% platforms use library-based methods to discover antibodies. Amongstthese, phage display is currently the most widely used technique. This is followedby single cell-based methods (20%).
Partnershipactivity within this domain has grown at a CAGR of 18%, between 2015 and 2020
In the last five years, more than 400 agreements wereinked related to antibody discovery, with the maximum activity being reportedin 2018. Majority of partnership deals signed within this domain were licensingagreements (25%), product development and commercialization agreements (24%),and R&D agreements (18%).
NearlyUSD 7 billion has been invested in the antibody discovery domain, during2016-2020
The aforementioned amount was raised across more than 140funding instances. It is important to mention that, in 2019-2020, over USD 2billion was raised by antibody discovery service and platform providers acrossclose to 40 instances. Majority of the funding in this year was acquiredthrough venture capital rounds (42%), grants (20%), and instances of initialpublic offering (10%).
Askfor Customization:
Theantibody discovery services market is anticipated to be worth over USD 6billion by 2030
Majority of the market opportunity (60%) is expected tobe generated from antibody services offered through phage display and hybridomabased methods, followed by those using transgenic animal based methods; thistrend is unlikely to change in the foreseen future as well.
Thelicensing market opportunity for antibody discovery platforms is anticipated togrow at a CAGR of close to 10%, during 2020-2030
By 2030, North America is estimated to capture over 50%(in terms of revenues generated) share of the antibody discovery platformsmarket. It is worth mentioning that the market for antibody discovery platformsin Asia-pacific is anticipated to grow at a relatively faster pace, during theforecast period.
TheUSD 6.5 billion (by 2030) financial opportunity within the antibody discoveryservices market has been analyzed across the following segments:
StepsInvolved in the Antibody Discovery Process
· Antigen Designing
· Hit Generation
· Lead Selection
· Lead Optimization
· Lead Characterization
AntibodyDiscovery Method Used
· Phage Display
· Hybridoma
· Transgenic Animal
· Yeast Display
· Single Cell
· Others
Natureof Antibody Generated
· Humanized
· Human
· Chimeric
· Murine
KeyGeographical Regions
· North America
· Europe
· Asia Pacific and Rest of the World
Theresearch includes detailed profiles of key players (listed below); each profilefeatures an overview of the company, its financial information (if available),a description of the platform(s) / service(s) offered, details of recentdevelopments related to antibody discovery and an informed future outlook.
· Abzena
· Abwiz Bio
· Aragen Bioscience
· ChemPartner
· Creative Biolabs
· Distributed Bio
· Harbour BioMed
· HD Biosciences
· ImmunoPrecise Antibodies
· Integral Molecular
· Kymab
· LakePharma
· Ligand Pharmaceuticals
· MorphoSys
· PX’Therapeutics
· Syd Labs
· Viva Biotech
· Wuxi Biologics
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