
Company leveraging subcategory to help bring consumers back to beer. A new hard seltzer is entering the market in the first quarter of 2020. Bud Light Seltzer is Anheuser-Busch’s latest addition to its hard seltzer category, which also includes Bon & Viv Spiked Seltzer and Natural Light Seltzer.
Anheuser-Busch Invests $100 Million In Hard Seltzer
It will be available in a case of bud light price with12-pack variety pack and single-flavor 12 packs (with 12-ounce slim cans) andin 25-ounce cans in the US, Confirmation of Packs, and even if this will beavailable in Australia remains to be seen. Pending confirmation of the Sale ofCUB, to Asahi Beverages the decision will rest with the Japanese company tobring it to these shores.
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