
A Micro-Channel Plate (MCP) Detector (MCP) is a device used to detect single particles such as ions, electrons, and photons. A micro-channel plate is also a high gain electron amplifier that is sensitive to input electrons as well as other charged particles including ions, elementary particles, and electromagnetic radiation with short wavelengths like ultraviolet and low band X-rays. Imaging spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, atomic and molecular collision investigations, electron spectroscopy, cluster physics, and other fields make use of micro-channel plates. Because of the low voltage, detecting a single particle is challenging.
A micro-channel plate is used to boost the voltage. When a tiny particle, such as an electron, collides with the Micro-Channel Plate (MCP), which are made up of microscopic inclined tubes, the particle collides with the channel wall. The number of collisions is determined by the applied voltage and angle of inclination, and this collision occurs until the tube channel reaches its conclusion. A cloud of electrons forms at the channel's end, and the signal is amplified and monitored in a micro channel chip. Small glass tubes with inclinations ranging from 10m to 20m are used. Micro-channel plates come in two shapes: circular and rectangular.
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