
The width of the opening may be the most important feature of a grapple. A wider grapple opening means you can grab more material. Some are even wide enough to grab large round bales. Spacing of tines is important. For brush we think 6” is ideal. It is wide enough to sift the dirt yet tight enough to hold smaller brush. For rock buckets we think 3” is ideal for the same reasons. Single grapple or double grapple? We sell far more doubles than singles. Mainly because with a double grapple you can clamp down on uneven loads. Almost all brush loads will be uneven. A single grapple may be preferred for picking up even material such as hay bales. A grapple that weighs over 50% of your lift capacity may limit the material you are able to carry. Choose one slightly less than 50%. Getting one too light will be costly in the long run read more...