
At the time of the events, she was a teenager. She narrates how about eight or ten FBI and CID agents stormed down the dusty dirt road to their family’s plantation farm. The agents got out of their cars claiming that the killer had been spotted driving a car belonging to a man called Wayne Williams.
She claims that the white people said that a black man drove the car whereas the children and their parents, who were black, said that they had seen a white man. The agents told them that the suspect was spotted driving down their road. All accusations seemed to be pointing a finger at her father as the murderer before she mentioned a cabin which was deep in the woods. There were kids living in the cabin.
Late March the detectives visited them and told them about a girl called Angel Ianier. She was able to recognize the girl from a picture the detectives showed her. She told the detectives that she had seen a girl who introduced herself as Angel Ianier to her and sent her with a message to her mother. Ianier told her to tell her mother that she was sorry and to let her go back home as she only had candy for meals.
Ianier gave her the address where she lived in Atlanta and as she did not know where Atlanta is, Ianier told her that she was crazy or illiterate. The girl told her that she had a hunch that something horrible will happen.
There was a cabin with a big chain and lock on its door and when she tried pulling it open, Ianier told her that she was crazy to think that she could open it. Ianier showed her a drawing she had made of her and her mother with a big heart which she planned to give it to her when she saw her. Angel Ianier then yelled out, “Run as fast as you can!” She said that she had seen the man had chased a boy with his dog almost biting the boy’s arm off.
As she narrates, she says that she is has been having flashbacks and memories of the girl and four other children and hearing voices. She remembers that the girl was actually telling the truth and the killer was actually a man who called himself Candyman.
There were, however, still many questions still unanswered. A detective queried how Wayne Williams worked five days a week, went to church on Sunday and take a four-hour drive to North Carolina and back to Georgia all the while getting to work and home in time. It was impossible that he was blamed and reported to have been spotted with kids missing in North Carolina.