
I have to recommend this book. I’ve readit about three times, but the first two timesI quit half way and didn’t complete the exercises. It was only after the third attempt that I truly appreciated this book.
Name of this book is – Think like a programmer by V. Anton spraul
Programming is more than justunderstanding syntax; Once you have the fundamentals down, you can start solvingproblems. Most beginners struggle to write their own algorithms without looking for solutions on the internet. Think like a programmer by V. AntonSpraul helps you break that barrier and develop a creative mindset to problem solving.
This book assumes that you have previous experience in coding anda basic understanding of C++, it isspecifically targeted towards CS students whostruggle with programming.
As a programming book, I think it’s superior to others because itcovers a wide range of topics such as:
· Procedural/OOP paradigms
· Pointers and dynamic datastructures
· Recursion
· Dynamic programming
V. Anton Spraul also has a YouTube series that supplement thematerial in the book here
Aswith all textbooks, most of the learning occurs in the exercises and not the reading material, don’tmake the mistake I did by skipping them.