
One of the constituents in glycerin soap is Glycerin. Essential oils are utilized for scent. People with sensitive, easily irritated skin like this type of soap because of its moisturizing properties. By irritating the anal mucosa and creating a hyperosmotic action, which causes the colon to expand by pulling water into it, resulting in evacuation, glycerin serves as a laxative. It can be administered undiluted as a suppository or a small-volume (2–10 ml) enema.
But it can also be administered as a high-volume enema in a diluted solution, like 5%. When taken orally, Glycerin can cause an instantaneous drop in the internal pressure of the eye (typically blended with fruit juice to mask the sweet taste). In an emergency, this can be used to relieve extremely high ocular pressure. Nitroglycerin, a crucial component of explosives like dynamite and gelignite as well as propellants like cordite, is made from glycerin.
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