
Dr Thomas Tzikas is a plastic surgeon who practices in South Florida and specializes in facial and neck plastic surgery. He’s been treating various patients for 10 years now, offering volume restoration techniques and lip grafting as the main cosmetic surgery procedures.
Quite recently, there has been an uproar among various women, both young and old, about experiencing something horrible with Tzikas’s cosmetic surgery procedures. In 2020, the mother of Naomi Potter came forward with the news of her daughter’s demise as a result of a horrible cosmetic surgery operation conducted by the 49-year old board-certified physician.
According to Naomi’s mother, “her daughter searched the surgeon’s online platforms including websites and social media where she saw promising testimonials by his previous clients”. Little did she know that everything would turn to be a disaster so soon and she’d have to raise her two grandchildren, ages 8 and 12, all on her own.
During Naomi' surgery, Dr Thomas Tzikas made a critical mistake by tearing a vein, which allowed fat to seep into her bloodstream, according to some state reports and experts. Dr Thomas Tzikas, who denied any wrongdoing and has since left the clinic, is expected to appear before the medical board on the malpractice charge.
This is just one incident that has been reported state-wide and since then, there have been numerous upcoming reports by other women regarding the doctor’s malpractice and lack of skills.
Kate Dennise, a mother of two young girls, wanted to get lip grafting after hearing about the perks of cosmetic surgery in her circle, and she was referred to Dr Thomas by one of her friends from the same circle. Dennise observed a lack of focus on such a high-attentive procedure at the hands of a renowned plastic surgeon and later went through a lot of pain that is quite rare with such procedures if done correctly.
It took her 4 months to completely heal her skin from the procedure fail and that is when she decided to sue Dr Thomas for malpractice. She reported the event to the local news department and took everything that happened to her social media that gathered her huge support from other women who also had to face dire results at the hands of a lowly practitioner.
Dr Thomas Tzikas has repeatedly denied all the allegations that have gained momentum and left a huge mark on his reputation as someone who “has a history of providing the highest quality results to his patients”, as claimed on his website.