
It is the best & overwhelming overflow of emotions for all parents. Whether you have your first kid or you are pregnant, every new parent makes all the important adjustments for all the family members.
Here are some important things that can help you so you will have time to spend on other things:-
Newborns may look funny
After spending 9 months in the mother's womb, the baby may look swollen. His head might be smooshed from his travel through the birth canal. But soon, he will look like a beautiful baby.
You will be working for a baby boss for the next 6 weeks
Boss baby is the boss that only complains & doesn't recognize your efforts. To get through the emotional stress, your efforts are not thrown out in those early days.
Avoid bathing your baby, give them a sponge bath
Always give your baby sponge baths until the umbilical cord falls off. Try to keep it dry, it will fall faster, & this takes two weeks. And if it is still wet, pat it dry quickly. When this falls off, the stump may bleed a little which is fine.
Don't be afraid of dealing with the soft spot
The fontanel is an opening in the skull that allows the baby to maneuver out of the birth canal. It is one of the soft spots that often terrify people. You may easily feel a pulse on that soft spot because it is directly over the blood vessels covering the brain.
Know baby's getting enough food
You have no idea how much milk she is getting if you are nursing but the baby needs to every two to three hours to eat. Newborns lose 5-8% of their birth weight within the first week but they can get it back.
Learn about diapering
Newborns poop a lot. Changing your newborn's diaper is a difficult task & if you want to do it, learns how to change one through everybody's goes to Google. You will be expecting 5-6 wet diapers a day & at least one or two stools.
Drying of skin is normal
The newborn's skin is soft & silky in the beginning but those changes after some time. If you soaked yourself in liquid for 9 months you'd be dry too. You do not need to do anything about the dry sky, it peels off. For moisture use, baby lotion or you can use DIY Tips that is fragrance-free. It will help you to get rid of dry skin.
By crying they communicate
By Wailing, your newborn baby can communicate. When they wail understand that they are hungry, cold, have a wet diaper, or want a lap. This will give you a lot of frustration in the starting, but you will eventually get a fine handle on the needs.
Babies sleep a lot but for a short duration
The first three months for all the parents are free. Newborns need to eat every 2-3 hours so they don't sleep for a long time. Most infants sleep for 6-8 hours in the first 3 months.