
We have 2 Italian Greyhounds (passionately described as IGs). Dixie was 2 when we brought Yankee house. I check out that IGs are much better with another animal and believed that another IG would be half as much problem and two times as much enjoyable. After a few days of developing a pack order the 2 ended up being wonderful friends.
For those not familiar with IGs, they have to do with scale of the well-known racetrack type. In their finest kind they look half-starved, in spite of the fact that it might look terrible to most pet owners, thats when they are the most active and really happiest. A pound or more slows them down greatly and even ends up being harmful.
They are brave leapers. No matter how many times I effort to discuss to them Newtons Laws of Gravity, it does no excellent. Heart-stopping stories are plentiful online chatroom about their Superman like propensities. The additional weight increases the risk of harmed bones.
They are likewise remarkable jumpers. In her hey-day Dixie might leap pug on sale straight up over 6 feet high to grab a treat. At will she may leap flat-footed on to the dining room table, landing as soft as a butterfly with sore feet.
However more than anything, those long thin legs were implied for speed. Sadly, they can run faster than they can think. IGs become single focused when running. Twice I have almost had a heart disease as they ran complete speed into each other from opposite instructions, toppling like out of control