
For people with older children. The "Yorkie" is an intelligent active dog breed that conveys an air of importance. The Yorkshire Terrier loves attention and is very loyal.
The Yorkshire Terrier does not have the typical soft temperament seen in most lapdogs. This breed is bold and excitable. The Yorkshire Terrier is very brave and makes a good watch dog.
This dog can be very affectionate with it's family. It is not impossible to raise teacup yorkies for sale near me young children and a Yorkie successfully, but a Yorkie can become easily overwhelmed by loud voices and quick movement and may become aggressive as a defence. Young children may accidentally roll over, step on or drop the small dog causing the dog serious injury.
Where Did The Yorkshire Terrier Come From?
The Yorkshire Terrier originated in Yorkshire and Lancashire, northern England. In the mid-nineteenth century many people arrived from Scotland to England to find work and they brought several varieties of small terrier dogs with them.
They bred the dogs together and out of all the breeding was one very successful new breed which came to be known as the Yorkshire Terrier. Instantly popular because of it's size, character and coloring.
Yorkies today, originated from two of three possible parents. A male named Old Crab and a female named Kitty, or a third female dog whose name was not well documented and is now lost.
In 1860 a prize male stud named Huddersfield Ben was the most desired