
6 Tips to Achieving Breathtaking Patio Backyard Landscaping
When proposing backyard landscaping ideas for your Calgary landscape design, you have to first establish what your ideal destination point is.
What will that perfect space help you accomplish? Will you be cooking there, lounging, or using it as a dining area? What about all three?
I spoke about the importance of establishing your destination points in earlier blogs, but it needs to be known from the onset otherwise everything else won’t make sense!
Patio spaces are often built out of manufactured stones and recommended for outdoor residential landscaping. This is because of its multi-use functionality and aesthetic quality that most home-owners appreciate.
We compiled 6 tips to achieve picture-perfect patio and landscaping ideas that you can use to amp up your Calgary yard today!
Think about where you want your new patio space. More often than not, you should keep it close to the house. This makes for easy access in case you’re going to be using it for barbequing or outdoor dining.
After all, there’s no need to force yourself to walk long distances to bring dishes or drinks out– especially if you barbeque during the winter.
If your patio will be a lounging area or, for example, you want to build a small fire-pit for parties with friends; it should be further away from the house. Design an exciting transition space for the way there, i.e. create an experiential journey to your destination.
Pay attention to where you are placing this patio because it will speak profoundly to the functionality of your overall backyard landscaping design.
Think about the size of the patio in conjunction with the scale of your house and property. Then answer the vital question: How many people are going to be using the space at any given time?
Pace it out, stake it out or paint it out. Do what you have to so you can visualize the space and understand the scale of the proposed patio.
The last thing you want is to have the patio constructed and realize it’s too small. This includes considering both its functionality and aesthetic, (i.e. a 10’ diameter patio on a 4-acre lot – don’t laugh, I’ve seen it before).
This is where experienced deck builders in Calgary can help you visualize the patio you don’t just want, but the one your lot needs.
There are mainly two foundational forms (or shapes) you can tailor your backyard patio ideas to: rectilinear or curvilinear.
I always recommend the clients to assess what look they are going for. Take a glance at your house- is it a contemporary or modern home? If so, you should probably stay rectilinear – it’ll match the style a lot better. If it’s traditional, then a curvilinear form would look a lot nicer.
You can also combine the two, though that requires some careful design lines for the blend to look flawless. Yes, lines matter: there is a whole book dedicated to it called, you guessed it, Lines by Tim Ingold.
How do you establish these destination points (assuming your patio has multiple facets)? Your patio can have levels or elevation changes.
You can surround your patio with softscaping, so it doesn’t feature an abrupt start or end. Adding retaining walls to separate different destination points also works well.
A transition between different focal points will make a big difference in the overall perspective of the space.
Choose your stone, including the colour and the pattern of the stone, with immense thought behind it. Don’t just choose the stone your landscaper tells you to. Chances are they’re thinking about keeping their costs low and time fast, so trust your preferences.
Explore your options and select wisely because attention to detail will set your backyard landscaping apart from others. Go through stone manufacturer websites and catalogues to see ones that stand out at you. Then, visit a landscape supply store near you and look at samples.
Choosing the right stone for your patio will ensure that you paid attention to detail when coming up with your backyard patio idea.
In Calgary, when you select the location of your patio, you have to see how the sun will move around that space. For example, if your backyard landscaping is south facing, you will have the sun most of the day. On some days, however, it may get unbearable to sit in the heat.
Consider feature structures, like a privacy screen or a pergola, when coming up with a backyard patio design. They can give you some shade and add character to the patio. By doing this, you are also enhancing the experience of that space during use as the eye will immediately be drawn to it.
It’s always good to have a professional landscape designer ensure all these points are met when proposing patio design ideas for your Calgary backyard. By integrating these principals, you can rest assured your patio is one that will be not only aesthetically pleasing but functionally enjoyable to use, too.