
6 Best Personal Safety Apps for Women
Walking alone at night, stepping down to the streets, going out with a stranger or exploring unknown places becomes vulnerable when it comes to women’s safety. Save yourself by keeping 6 safety apps on your phone.
HOLLABACKAn award-winning app that helps women avoid street harassment. Every time you log in to this app, it directs you to the home page from where you can map GPS location. The app allows you to share your stories, and read others as well.
SHAKE2SAFETYIt is an SOS app which gives you an option to send text messages, share pictures with location, and record audio in emergencies. You can do all this by just shaking your phone.
BSAFEThe most comprehensive safety app for women. It gives an option to create a security network to take care of each other. You can be a guardian to others as this app allows you to receive SOS alarms, view your friend’s location on the map, and much more.
SAFE AND THE CITYKeep yourself safe on the go by using Safe And The City app which provides help by giving real-time notifications from police for the next action. It tells you the nearest safe location. You can also inform the place you are going to in advance.
ONWATCHAnother award-winning app that helps teenyboppers. It gives an additional layer to protect and save by being aware of the surroundings. You can transmit critical information by text, email phone, or on social media to your support network in just two taps.
CIRCLE OF 6Through this app, you can quickly communicate with six trusted people and ask for help. After adding six individuals to a band, you can send automated messages via quick icon buttons.
These are some of the best women security apps that could help in emergencies. Any woman can be in a situation where she needs help and feels threatened or distressed. Your safety is in your hand, be aware and be safe. Keeping the security apps on your phone will help you in facing the situation in a better way. The security apps help you to stay safe and set you free from stress. Apart from the security apps, you can take care of yourself by being aware of your surroundings.