
The First Difference Is the Air Conditioning Installation!
Many people use the internet to look for an air conditioning service without taking into consideration the difference between a residential one and a commercial one. There are massive differences between the two. And without taking this into consideration, you may have the surprise to see some exorbitant prices. How so? Well, you may look for a residential air conditioning installation. And you check the prices on a commercial aircon service’s website. Of course, the price will seem to be enormous for a simple installation. But you should know that the commercial projects are for full buildings and the aircon systems are very big as well.
On the other hand, you only need installation for an air conditioning unit. Which is small, and it does not require a lot of time to be finished. But this does not mean that you can’t use the services of a commercial aircon company for your unit. But there will be more differences that you need to take into consideration before making that move. The price paid will be one of them, and that may not be a problem for you. But 2 other big differences will make you understand the importance of searching for a company that specializes in your type of aircon needs.
Fortunately, it is almost impossible to do the opposite. It will be quite hard to find a residential aircon company that has the staff needed to install a commercial system. So, if you need commercial installation, then you will certainly need to look for a specialized company. And this will also make your life easier because you will not encounter any problems due to the differences between these two companies. But the persons that need installation for residential aircon should do the same. Doing so will avoid a lot of unpleasant surprises for them. So, what it’s the next difference that they will encounter if they use the services of a commercial aircon company?
The Second One Is the Difference in the Quality of the Air Conditioning Installation!
The second difference that you will encounter, and that may cause problems for you, it's the quality of the air conditioning installation process. As mentioned above, a commercial company is specialized in large size installation. And even though it may seem easy to take care of simple unit installation, but its quality will differ greatly. Because the staff of the commercial agency lacks the experience of installing small units, they will not know every detail of the installation process. And two risks can appear because of that.
• Lower efficiency. The first problem that you may encounter is the very low efficiency of your aircon unit. A lower level of efficiency means that it needs to consume more electricity to produce the same level of results as a more efficient unit. And this can happen because of the lack of details in the installation process. So, you will always have to pay more money in electricity bills for the only reason that you didn’t look for a company that specializes in your type of aircon system.
• Lower performance. A second problem that can be caused by the lack of experience in this type of installation is a drop in the optimal performance level of the unit. Basically, your air conditioning unit will need more time to lower or increase the temperature to the desired level. And in the seasons where the temperatures reach the extremes, it will be almost impossible for it to reach the optimal level. So, you will have to keep the unit open at all times, which can cause other problems. For example, it can result in a faster degradation. And if you use them from the same commercial company, then there can also be problems with the maintenance and repair services.
The Last One Is the Maintenance Provided by the Air Conditioning Service!
Yes, there are also big differences between the maintenance processes of a commercial aircon system and a residential unit. So, there may also be problems that may appear if you use a commercial air conditioning service for your residential aircon. They may not be visible in the short term, but in the long run, they will make their presence felt in a bad way. There are basically 3 problems that may appear. And all of them will be very hard to detect or confirm.
• Incorrect cleaning. The cleaning process is one of the most essential maintenance steps for both a commercial and a residential aircon. But there are massive differences between them. And the staff of a commercial company may not know the full process of cleaning a residential unit. Moreover, it also lacks the experience of a specialized professional in this field. Because of this, there may be some parts that remain uncleaned, which will cause problems in the long term.
• Incorrect replacements. Yet again, both the commercial and the residential aircon has parts that need to be replaced regularly. But not only the scale is different. The parts that must be changed also differ. So, it may be impossible for the staff that is specialized in commercial aircon to replace the proper parts from a residential unit. This can also cause several problems in the future, besides the obvious possible result of a sudden breakdown. There is also a slow problem that will appear.
• Faster degrading. Yes, your aircon unit will degrade faster due to improper maintenance. This means that instead of increasing the lifespan of your aircon, it will continue to degrade unimpeded. And the rate of degradation will continue to accelerate until it breaks down and it needs to be repaired or completely changed. In the end, you should be convinced that the best alternative is to search for an aircon company that is specialized in residential air conditioning. Or universal services that regularly take care of both types.