2021 Preview and Analysis: Western Blotting Market by Product Type – Automated Dry, Semi-Dry, and Traditional Wet Transfer Blotting Systems for 2021 – 2031
2021 Preview and Analysis: Western Blotting Market by Product Type – Automated Dry, Semi-Dry, and Traditional Wet Transfer Blotting Systems for 2021 – 2031
Western Blotting Market

The Western Blotting Market technique, also known as protein immunoblotting, is used to identify and quantify specific protein molecules in a complicated protein sample. A protein molecule is split on the gel into bands based on its molecular weight and size, which are then transferred onto the transfer membrane for observation and analysis of the western blot. In terms of revenue, the Western blotting market accounts for a significant portion of the molecular diagnostics market. Molecular diagnostics encompasses a wide range of proteomics and genomics-related analytical techniques. During the research period, rising HIV prevalence and increased pharmaceutical company R&D spending are predicted to be the main growth drivers.


Geographically, North America dominated the Western Blotting Market, owing to rising HIV and Lyme disease prevalence, a U.S.-China biomedical research cooperation program, increased research funding, increased output of genetically modified crops, and an increase in the number of conferences. Europe and Asia-Pacific were the second and third largest markets for western blotting, respectively. Due to rising government involvement in the biomedical and biotechnology industry in China, the presence of bio clusters in China and India, government initiatives supported by financing in Japan, and India's burgeoning pharmaceutical industry, Asia Pacific is expected to grow at the quickest rate.


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