14 savvy ways to spend leftover ragdoll kittens for sale 500 budget
14 savvy ways to spend leftover ragdoll kittens for sale 500 budget
14 savvy ways to spend leftover ragdoll kittens for sale 500 budget

Ragdoll cats are among the most popular breeds at the

minute. There's great ragdoll kittens under $1000 reason for that. The Ragdoll feline is

caring and a pleasure to have around. But you really

need to beware about where you buy your kitty from

due to the fact that not all breeders are developed equal, and you do not.

want to wind up with a kitty that has health issue.

1. Ask your breeder if the kitten is a full-bred Ragdoll.

It may look like a silly question to ask, however it's something.

you actually need to know. Some breeders are cross-breeding.

the Ragdoll with other breeds in order to get new colours.

and patterns. A Ragdoll cat is only considered to be a.

fullbreed when its four generations out of any cross.

2. If a breeder is asking a much lower rate than many.

others in the area, ask why.

It's possible that the breeder is cutting corners and not.

informing you the full story. It's an embarassment, however you have to be.


on the lookout. It could be something as basic as they are.

attempting to draw in more customers, or they have more kittycats.

this year than expected, but you ought to ask the question all.

the same.

3. Is the kittycat 12 weeks old or more?

If you want a well-adjusted kitten then its necessary that.

you wait up until the kitty is at least 12 weeks old. This.

gives the opportunity for the breeder to hang out the kitten,