If you are reading this, you already know what World of Warcraft (otherwise known as WoW) is, and why it is so important to have gold in World of Warcraft. You use it to buy everything, and without it, there is limited to no fun in the game! It can be a challenge to acquire gold, but once you get the hang of it, it’s actually quite easy.
Following are some of the most important things you can do in World of Warcraft to ensure you will be absolutely overflowing with gold and the envy of every player you encounter!
WoW Gold Tips:
Tip 1) Even when you enter World of Warcraft as a level 1, get bags. All that you can carry. If you have a high level character already, buy the biggest bags you can and send them to your new character. This is a simple and easy to understand step that most people fail to use! If you have all 4 bag slots filled up right away, you can A) Continue questing without having to return to sell off items so you will level faster B) More importantly, be able to make much more gold as you will not have to delete items to make room for others. You can sell all your loot when you return for maximum profit even from the very beginning!
Tip 2) Even though crafting professions (Leatherworking, jewelcrafting, tailoring and blacksmithing) are temping to pick up, avoid them like the plague! If you want to drown in your own gold, pick up two gathering provider gacor terbaik professions! For example, get herbalism and skinning or skinning and mining