
™Recruiting Agencies in Canada, Recruiters & Job Consultancy Services in Canada
The addition of Pivotal to our team provided me with much-needed support, allowing me to ensure we were adhering to all HR policies and responsibilities. They are approachable, understood our needs, worked with our strategies and our comfort levels. Hire Immigrants is a resource for companies that offers knowledge and assistance to firms that are looking to find, hire, and onboard talented immigrants from a variety of backgrounds.
Pioneer Staffing is committed to providing real, cost-effective solutions to your company’s complicated staffing needs. I work for a consulting engineering company, and most of my job is doing energy models and energy audits for client buildings. Basically, I run computer simulations of those buildings and find ways to save on energy use, usually through reducing heating needs. Surprising absolutely nobody, heating a building comprises most of its energy expenditure in Canada. We make remote hiring simplified and seamless for both, candidates and companies, through our platform.