
Our patriarchal society has a reputation for male dominance that has no bounds. Some guys still cling tenaciously to a caveman mentality in the twenty-first century.
Such men have an antiquated mentality that prevents them from picturing women—pardon the pun—on top of men in any situation. These men view women as weak and inferior, as they should. It is considered rebellion or an attempt to question men's power and domination, for example, to refuse a man's advances.
If a woman tries to make a decision that goes against these men's expectations, such as refusing their advances, she will be punished severely since it will be assumed that she is trying to question their dominance.
Crude Comments
"Kwenda uko, wewe Malaya (to hell with you, prostitute). You are not as adorable as you believe. Actually, I was only saying hello; this isn't a marriage proposal! These are some of the sexist comments that some women have endured after rejecting the aforementioned crude and deranged individuals.
Remember that they are males who may not have even dated the ladies on whom they are angry. These are women they have only made unsuccessful attempts to seduce or date. This outdated mindset affects many women.
There are many stories of Why can't men handle rejection? Men have allegedly killed women in stories because they felt rejected. For instance, a married 82-year-old woman was killed by a 93-year-old French man after she rejected him. She evidently developed feelings for the man, but when he asked her to see him while her husband was gone for a few days, she declined.
Damaged Ego
Due to the man's wounded ego, he went to the woman's home, beat her, and then killed her. He explained to the authorities that he was "teaching her a lesson for she had made him feel like a fool" when they questioned him (you know how honest most of these people are).
A woman in Vietnam is said to have recently been waylaid and had acid poured in her face by an admirer after he had unsuccessfully attempted to "tune" her. The dude was pouring the acid while riding a motorcycle. Locals tracked and caught up with him, and when he was brought before the judge, he admitted that the woman had really rejected him by saying she was already engaged to another man.
And only three weeks ago, the Indian media reported on a tragic incident in which a "stalker" was apprehended after he burned a woman with acid in an attempt to coerce her into drinking it. The woman had rejected him. Prior to pushing her into the water, he did this.
Lastly Fired
Closer to home, Nancy Okinda told this writer about a woman who had been demoted, then fired under questionable circumstances, only to learn years later that she had been let go because she had refused her boss's advances for sexual favours. Evidently, her boss had been making advances at her.
Ignore the fact that her boss is a married man. But when she declined, he became furious and even implied that he would terminate her. However, that was not going to happen soon. Even though their offices were located in the same building, Ms. Okinda describes how her working relationship with her employer drastically deteriorated to the point where they could no longer interact orally. Instead, he used to send her emails
After a while, Okinda was fired as a result of this situation. "As women, we need attention from men, but sometimes it can get us into problems, particularly if your employer is a bad apple. You may be single and open, but the approach is sometimes incorrect, with some people demanding you forcibly and turning you off in the process, says Ms. Okinda. Some people have extremely bad wooing abilities.
Facebook follower
Today's social media generation is prone to men approaching women on these platforms. On Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms, many people have always had a good relationship with some women and assume that this is (or should be) the case with all women.
When someone refuses their advances, they turn to cyberbullying and write offensive things on the walls of such ladies in an effort to degrade them. For males who can't take rejection lying down, social media has gradually emerged as their best weapon. They act immorally online in their haste to humiliate or get revenge since, to them, rejection is the equivalent of attack.
Patriarchal environment
The majority of males behave in this way, according to psychologist Anthony Muhoto, because they were raised in incredibly patriarchal circumstances. "The majority of these men were raised in social structures where women were always given second place. Therefore, having an opinion that differs from his, or rejection in this situation, is perceived as an effort to undermine his "power," therefore they retaliate strongly, according to Mr. Muhoto.
He continues by explaining that rejection is the worst kind of humiliation for these types of men since it not only hurts their feelings but also somehow tarnishes their image of a man.
He continues, "They turn to expressing their resentment and wrath in quite anti-social ways in their frantic attempt to sort of restore their authority and heal their 'tainted' or dented macho image.
The expert also cautions ladies to exercise extreme caution anytime they get even the tiniest glimpse of these males. Women are urged to reject these males in a very polite manner.
"Such folks are easily identifiable if you pay close attention to them. They lack good social skills. For instance, they frequently slam tables to emphasise points and speak with a lot of finality.
Such males must be politely avoided at all costs, or they may lash out in rather 'neanderthal' and violent ways.
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