
A charge of Driving While Intoxicated-DWI has serious penalties, including imprisonment, fines, loss of driving privileges, usage of a required ignition interlock device, & alcohol/drug abuse education, to name a few. The first step is to call and hire a qualified DWI attorney. The initial appointment with a DWI attorney will include a free review of your case and specific scenario.
Contacting a DWI Lawyer as soon as possible may assist you in avoiding losing or suspending your driver's license. In certain jurisdictions, an offender must answer to a DWI charge within a few days, or their license may be revoked until their case is resolved. An experienced Fort Worth DWI Lawyer will know what needs to be done if you are from Fort Worth, TX.
The penalties and consequences faced by a DWI offender increase every year, with stricter state laws and legislation being put into place. Additional consequences for a DWI arrest include loss of current job and possibly loss of consideration for future employment. A divorce or child custody case could also be affected by a DWI arrest or conviction.
Along with the other mentioned consequence, a DWI arrest means embarrassment and humiliation for the offender and their family and friends. A DWI lawyer has specific expertise in this sort of case and is well-versed in the laws of your state. If you find yourself in prison on charges of driving while intoxicated, don't waste any time; call a professional DWI attorney straight away to assist you in defending your rights.
At Cole Paschall Law, we offer comprehensive consultations, ensuring you have an opportunity to avoid harsh penalties for your suspected crimes or at least gate away with reduced sentences. To start developing a substantial & impactful defense against the criminal charges, contact the office of Cole Paschall Law, the top Fort Worth DWI Lawyer, at 1~817~477~4100.