
Why You Should Hire Professionals To Manage your Website For you
In this day and age having a quality website for your business is essential if you are serious about being relevant and progressive in your industry. For many business owners maintaining and running a website can become a necessary evil, as it takes precious time away from what they do best, running the day to day actions that drive the business forward.
Here at calibre digital, we don’t just build professional custom websites, additionally, for the majority of our clients, we also manage their sites on a monthly basis. Many business owners do not anticipate the time they need to invest in maintaining and optimizing their website, we think of it as essentially a living organism that needs to be continually nurtured.
Below we have listed some of the key benefits of having your website managed by our team or any website professional.
Backup and Security
Now more than ever, website owners who do not take significant measures in protecting their site, are at higher risks of attacks from hackers. For many business owners that manage their own sites, they do not invest the best security measures to ensure they are protected.
Delegating this to a website management company like us at Calibre Digital, or a professional website developer that understands what is entailed and can offer around the clock security monitoring procedure for your site.
Another key is regular backup, and something website owners seem to forget to do altogether. Backing up your sites files and database regularly is of utmost importance, in the case your server crashed, or the site was hacked you would be left hung out to dry.
We have had many clients come to us that have lost their entire sites and all their data to malware and hackers, so if your current hosting provider or management isn’t taking care of these key points, it’s time to revaluate.
Application and plugin updates
There a very few sites that are not using third-party CMS plugins and applications, and these need to be regularly monitored and updated to avoid having key parts of the site crash or malfunction, along with outdated plugins also causing the potential for security issues.
Research from WPBeginner found that one year a whopping 83% of hacked WordPress sites had not been updated.
Updates are an essential way to stay one step ahead of hackers and reduce security risks. The developers of the plugins will release updates containing patches and fixes to resolve known issues and to strengthen your site against attacks. Something a proficient management team will take care of for you.
Monitor site speed and uptime
If your finding it is taking more then a few seconds to pull up your website, you could be losing business. It is something that should be regularly observed, maintained, and optimized. If this is not something you are able to do, its not to worry about, we know how and will take care of that for you.
Web monitoring solutions are an essential part of your website. Knowing that your website is running smoothly and getting alerts when it does not help make sure an outage doesn’t cost you or your business. Our management teams can respond to issues quickly, looking for solutions and keeping your customers up to date in the meantime.
Ongoing Content changes
Keeping your website fresh and up to date is of utmost importance, it doesn’t just effect you search engine optimisation, but also indicates to your customers that you are reputable and in the know how for your industry.
Regularly uploading and changing content is another time consuming and tedious task and having a management team to do it for you allows more time for you to focus on other elements of your business.
It may seem that managing your own site will save you a bit of extra cash, but in the long run, it usually proves to be the opposite. You find hours upon hours are being spent attending to the necessary maintenance of your website, taking you away from other dollar earning actions.
We have you set, with plans to suit small to large business, for any questions or a obligation free quote contact us anytime.