
Thenewest method for creating beautiful finishing is powder coating. It is amethod of adding a coating without the need for solvents. It is close toapplying dried paint on the surface. Instead of painting, however, a pigmentedpowder made from aluminum, medium density fiberboards, fused epoxy, andacrylics is used to process polymer granules. They are combined with powderingredients and pigments to create the color you desire.
Allof these ingredients are placed in an extruder, rolled flat, and then cooledoff. It is then broken down into many pieces and milled to produce the powder.The powder is usually applied using a gun with an electronic charge. Thecomponent is then heated to melt the powder making it stick on the surface. Itproduces a hard, tough, and abrasion resistant skin for the object. This is apreferred finishing for metallic objects because it can produce a brilliantlooking result and can be applied in a wide range of thickness.
Thereis various equipment used in powder coating. One is the gun used to spray theelectronically charged powder onto the surface of the object. One type of gunis called the corona charging gun. Electronic power is used to produce a chargeon the powder. This gun can be used either internally or externally. Anothertype of powder coating gun is the tribo charging gun.
TheTribo charging gun produces friction between the powder and the gun barrel. Ituses friction instead of electricity to produce the electric charge for thepowder. A bell charging gun flings the powder from the bell's perimeter,producing the electrical charge on the powder. Whichever gun is used, the endresult is the same. At the end of the day, the right powder coating equipmentensures not only easy & increased production but also high quality &durable finish.
Rustylions Powder coating specializes in powder coating & metal finishing formultiple types of businesses, from industrial manufacturing to metalfabrication to auto parts. Rustylions serve machine shops in finishingservices. For your powder coating requirements - Contact Rustylions Powdercoating at 1~347~613~8103/ 973~459-8515.