
The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools, more popularly known as ICAS, is a test that judges the skills of a particular student. This exam helps identify a student’s achievements in subjects like English, Science, Maths, writing, digital technologies, and spelling. This assessment includes a series of tests that are intended to check the skills of students in these fields and what they learn in their classrooms.
The tests get annual updates to further ensure that the questions aren’t repeated and can precisely measure the capabilities and level of understanding of the student. Experienced teachers are then hired to evaluate and assess the papers in context to the classroom topics.
Students from over 20 countries such as India, New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, South Africa, Singapore, and even the United States appear for ICAS assessment every year. Every test is conducted in the student’s school under normal exam conditions and is invigilated by their teachers.
You can take the help of educational institutions that help create a similar environment and prepare you for these annual exams. Further mentioned in this article are a few tips and tricks to ensure that you do well in the ICAS tests.
Why should you prepare for ICAS?
ICAS education assessment is used by teachers and schools to efficiently assess how each student performs at a particular point in time. It helps track a student's progress with each year. Not only that, but these tests also help test a student’s overall achievements in a particular academic year. Some schools even use it as a placement test.
Preparing for these tests can further assure that your ward is aware of the structure and purpose of ICAS. On top of that, it helps them understand the process of testing and such examinations, in turn helping them give their best during similar examinations.
Challenges faced and how to overcome them.
Although it tests all the fundamentals of the subjects mentioned, preparing for it can often be a stressful task for the students. ICAS exams usually start in year 2 and are usually the first big examination any student is sitting for. This further makes them anxious and can hinder their performance in the test, resulting in an unsatisfactory icas evaluation.
There are several educational foundations like Macmillan Education that provide tuitions to help inculcate strong foundation skills in reading, numeracy, language, and writing. These education centers also work on developing other important skills, along with preparing them for the exam.
They create pressurized environments similar to the real ICAS examinations. This helps the students prepare for the actual exam and understand how to use the given time effectively to answer. Their classes include mock tests both against the clock and timed to improve time management and writing speeds. Not only that, practicing before an exam can significantly help better the answer quality as well.
Doing well in ICAS texts can further better your chances of procuring good marks in other exams in the future. Having a better understanding of how these exams work will surely help you make the most of such competitive tests as well.
The information mentioned above will surely help you prepare and know better about ICAS exams. However, if you are nervous or skeptical about the exam, you should try and take the help of educational facilities that prepare you for the exam.