Why Is Levodopa and Carbidopa Prescribed?
Why Is Levodopa and Carbidopa Prescribed?
A combination of levodopa and carbidopa is used to treat Parkinson's disease symptoms and Parkinsonian symptoms that may occur after encephalitis (brain swelling) or neurological damage caused by carbon monoxide or manganese poisoning.

A combination of levodopa and carbidopa is used to treat Parkinson's disease symptoms and Parkinsonian symptoms that may occur after encephalitis (brain swelling) or neurological damage caused by carbon monoxide or manganese poisoning. Parkinson's symptoms, which include tremors (tremors), stiffness and slow movement, are caused by a lack of dopamine, a natural substance normally found in the brain. Levodopa belongs to a class of drugs called central nervous system drugs. It works by converting it into dopamine in the brain. Carbidopa belongs to a class of drugs called decarboxylase inhibitors. Its job is to prevent levodopa from being broken down before it reaches the brain. This allows the use of lower doses of levodopa, which reduces nausea and vomiting.


Levodopa and carbidopa suspensions come in a disposable box that connects to a pump that will control the amount of medication you receive during the infusion. Before use, remove the box of medication from the fridge and let it sit at room temperature for 20 minutes. Do not reuse the tape or use it for more than 16 hours. Dispose of the cassette at the end of the infusion, even if it still contains the drug.


When you start taking levodopa and carbidopa suspensions, your doctor will adjust your morning and continuous infusion doses and may also adjust the dose of your other Parkinson's medications to best control your symptoms. It usually takes about 5 days to reach a stable dose of suspension, but depending on your ongoing response to the drug, your dose may need to change again over time. Your prescribed dose of suspension will be programmed into your pump by your doctor. Do not change the dose or Settings of the pump unless told to do so by your doctor. Be careful to ensure that your PEG-J tube does not kink, tangle, or clog, as this can affect the amount of medication you receive.


Levodopa and carbidopa control Parkinson's disease, but do not cure it. It may take several months for you to feel the full benefits of levodopa and carbidopa. Continue taking levodopa and carbidopa even if you feel well. Do not stop taking levodopa and carbidopa without consulting your doctor. If you suddenly stop taking levodopa and carbidopa, you may develop a severe syndrome that causes fever, muscle stiffness, abnormal body movements, and confusion. Your doctor may reduce your dose gradually. If your doctor tells you to stop taking levodopa and carbidopa suspenses, your healthcare professional will remove your PEG-J tube; Do not remove the tube yourself.


Ask your pharmacist or doctor for a copy of the manufacturer's patient information sheet on Levodopa and carbidopa, as well as guidelines for levodopa and carbidopa suspensions.