
If there was one good thing to come out of the coronavirus pandemic, it was the explosion of interest in cooking at home. Many people branched out in their cooking, and many did things like starting to shop at an Asian market and cooking Asian food at home. It's something not everyone hasexplored because so much is available as great-tasting and affordable takeout.But when you cook at home, you can control the ingredients, which means you canlower the sodium, sugar, and fat levels as you wish. If you've never beforemade an Asian recipe at home, you'll love the way they turn out.
If you like Korean food, you might already have tried andenjoyed kimchi fried rice. If so, maybe it's time to try making it at home. Thecooking process isn't complex when you know the proper technique, and it takesonly a few simple ingredients. Experienced cooks often make it when they haveleftover rice and possible are at the end of a jar of kimchi. The chef'srecommendations are to reserve and re-add the liquid from the kimchi jar inexact amounts rather them dumping in the entire jar. Using leftover rice isanother trick because it works well when it's dried out a bit – the kernelsseparate easily for frying.
If you've never made fried rice before, it's fun. Drizzle abit of sesame oil over it before adding it to the pan. Stir and toss itcontinuously and keep going until all the kernels are nicely fried. Kimchi hasa deliciously intense flavor that perks up fried rice as few other things can.You'll find recipes with various extra ingredients, but many people like tokeep it simple with the kimchi, rice, and nothing else. If ever there was adish that could be considered Korean comfort food, this might be it. Like somuch about Korean cooking, it's a flavorful twist on two much-loved foods.Everyone likes to eat it.
Sesame oil is preferred for frying rice because it has ahigh smoke point. When you have a sizzling hot pan, you're on the way togreat-tasting fried rice. When you add the kimchi and measured liquid towardthe end, you'll want to continuously toss it to cook everything through andmake sure all the ingredients are mixed thoroughly. It's also worth tryingkimchi as a side dish with other foods you enjoy, whether Korean recipes ornot. Keeping your family interested in your home cooking is a cinch when youmake tasty dishes with variety. There's no doubt that kimchi fried rice is acrowd-pleaser every time.