
Start of pink salt from Pakistan
The name Himalayan salt proposes that it comes from regions around the Himalayas in Pakistan. In particular, the salt gets mined from the khewra salt mines, approx 5000 feet under the Himalayan mountain range, localeJhelum, Punjab Pakistan. The khewra salt mines in Pakistan are one of the most seasoned and the second biggest mines on the planet.
The Himalayan pink salt from Pakistan has an old history as old as 300 million years when the salt disintegrated in the seas. After some time, the seas evaporated, giving up the stores of salt as rocks. From that point forward, the Himalayan salt has monitored its immaculateness and mineral substance. It stayed covered by a cover of mountains. The salt has a pink to red or a light orange shade, demonstrating the presence of minerals in it. The old individuals utilized this salt to safeguard their food like meat and fish. The salt had a wide application as a food added substance. Furthermore, it was named "gold salt" by physicists. The Himalayan salt got the name "RulerSalt" because of its extraordinary characteristics.