What are various respiratory distress syndrome treatment available in market today?
What are various respiratory distress syndrome treatment available in market today?
There are several different types of Respiratory Distress Syndrome treatments available to those that suffer from this debilitating condition.

Thereare several different types of Respiratory Distress Syndrome treatmentsavailable to those that suffer from this debilitating condition. Those thatsuffer from ARDS suffer due to shortness of breath, which makes it difficultfor them to breathe and can lead to several other complications if leftuntreated. The treatment may be as simple as improving the sufferer's abilityto breathe on their own or as complex as providing medical care for those thathave suffered from chronic problems. The goal of therapy is to offer respitefrom shortness of breath and treat the underlying cause of ARDS, or acuteRespiratory Distress Syndrome.

RespiratoryDistress Syndrome Treatmentsuch as administering strong inhaled antibiotics has been shown to improvebreathing, ease symptoms, and sometimes eliminate the disorder. In somepatients, especially those with severe and ongoing inflammation of the lungs,steroids may be administered for short periods to improve the airflow process,prevent scarring in the airways, and prevent the buildup of mucus and proteinin the lungs that can lead to eventual failure of the lungs.

Moreover,there are also a few alternative treatments that doctors may recommend in somesituations if the use of medications fails to alleviate symptoms or eliminatethe disorder. In some cases, Respiratory Distress Syndrome treatment may focuson promoting healthy lung function through the promotion of increasedoxygenation. Additionally, if an individual's lungs are overstressed, such aswhen taking a long flight or working in a high-altitude area for an extendedperiod, increased oxygen levels in the blood may help to alleviate the symptomsof pulmonary hypertension.

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