
Among the many bird deterrents for roofs, pigeon repellent gel stands out. That’s because it is easy to use and very safe for both you and the pigeons. All you have to do is give the area you will be using it on a good clean and then just set the gel pads in their place. You’ll get rid of those pesky pigeons in no time.
Where Can You Get Bird Deterrents for Roofs?
The roof of your house or your business is one of the most exposed areas to birds. Especially if you have a flat roof. And that’s because birds love gathering things on it, building nests, and generally messing up the place. That’s why people usually want to get rid of birds from their roofs. But, although there are a lot of options out there, some may have some trouble actually knowing how to get to them. Making your roof bird free is simple, once you get how things work and where you have to go in order to find what you need.
In order to find the right bird deterrents for roofs, you usually don’t need to look any further than your local hardware store. They have tons of options you can choose from, ranging from the discreet to the very obvious. All you have to do is go in and tell the people working there what is it that you need. They’ll even be able to help you with a few helpful tips ad pointers if you don’t really know how to use the deterrents.
Another great place you can find bird deterrents for roofs is online. There are a lot of shops that you can visit in order to check out their offers. And the great part of doing things this way is that you don’t even have to get out of your favorite chair. Just flip through the pages and choose whatever you want. Then place your order and wait for your package to arrive. Some places even offer free installation, but many deterrent options are really easy to install yourself. Plus, this way you can compare options from different stores quickly and easily.
What Are Some of the Best Bird Deterrents for Roofs?
A lot of people have a lot of different approaches when it comes to picking the right bird deterrents for roofs. Some say that one of the best solutions is the spike strips. But don’t worry. They sound way worse than they actually are. These spike strips don’t actually stab the birds. They are made from a relatively soft metal, that has just enough strength to softly poke the birds and make them take off instead of landing on your roof. These are very good when used for less visible spaces. That’s’ because, although effective, some people may consider them to be a little too aggressive to see.
Other great bird deterrents for roofs include reflective tape. This is maybe one of the most harmless and non-invasive ways of getting birds to stay off of your roof. What you have to do is simply go up on your roof and start putting down this tape wherever you think the birds will come to nest or roost. The idea behind this is to confuse the birds and make it seem like powerful light is coming from the roof. They usually associate this with fire or flames. But it is only the sun or street light reflected from it. But make sure that before you put down the tape you clean the area very well, so it sticks. Also, you might have to change it when it becomes dull and doesn’t reflect anymore.
What About Decoys?
Sure, some people use decoys in order to scare off other birds. Usually, they’ll use a plastic figurine of an owl, a hawk, or any other bird of prey. This is one of the more stylish solutions one can choose. But be warned that you might have to get a lot of those decoys, especially if you have a large roof.
What Are Some Myths About Pigeon Repellent Gel?
Although pigeon repellent gel has been around for some time now and has been used by a number of people already, it still has some myths attached to it. For instance, one of those myths is that the gel itself is harmful to the pigeons because it is made with toxic chemicals. The truth is that, although the gel does contain chemicals, they are not harmful to the birds. That’s because they are specially selected and prepared so that they don’t mess with the birds’ system. All the gel does is throw them off their path by emitting UV lights that pigeons associate with flames and danger. Also, it has a specific smell to it, that pigeons don’t like, in case the imaginary flames don’t do the trick.
Another myth associated with pigeon repellent gel is that it is harmful to humans and other animals, if handled carelessly. Sure, ingesting it for instance can make you or your pet feel sick. But it won’t kill you or have any negative long-term effects. Also, the way the gel is sold was designed to be easy to manipulate and use by almost anyone. All you have to do is just glue it to whatever surface the pigeons gather on and you’re done. Also, chances are that your dog won’t climb on top of your roof or your raters to chew on the gel, and your cat will most likely just avoid it after smelling it.
What About How Long It Lasts?
There are some people that claim that the gel doesn’t really last that long. That really depends on the company producing it. Some gels last for up to 10 years, in any kind of condition. That’s because the gel has been designed to work both outside and inside, regardless of temperature, weather conditions, or pollution.
Is Pigeon Repellent Gel Hard to Use?
Pigeon repellent gel is one of the safest bird deterrent solutions you can handle. And it is really easy to use, as well. The way it works is that it makes the pigeons believe that there are flames coming out of the place the gel is installed on. That’s because of the UV emitting capabilities. Also, if a pigeon does land, it also has a very strong smell that the pigeons dislike, but which is actually quite pleasant for humans. And if that doesn’t work either, the gel is quite sticky. So, when the pigeons get close in order to investigate, will discover that the gel pads are sticky, which will make the birds uncomfortable.
In order to use the pigeon repellent solution, you must first clean the place where you want it to be placed. That doesn’t just mean getting rid of any twigs or nests that the pigeons may have left behind. That means you have to clean very thoroughly the area to get rid of any dirt and debris, in order to make the pads stick to the surface. The pads will also cover any pheromones that the pigeons have left behind, making it hard for them to recognize the place when they return.