
Virtual business malls The latest method of conducting business in SA
Entrepreneurship is the best method to grow and progress our country. In the context of a proposal by Parliament to include entrepreneurship in its curriculum, this is an issue that is being debated.
How do things look in the world of business for a small business? While much has changed in the last few decades however, there are a few basic principles that have remained the same.
You hire an accountant, a web designer, a marketer , and an compliance expert You pay them all separately since they each work on their own. What if there were a better way to do business?
Imagine if you could only pay only one invoice instead of five. Imagine having only one team instead of five? Sounds like a good deal?
It was impossible to imagine until it was the time that Digital Business Agency was launched in South Africa. Now, businesses can work with one agency that has a team of experts from various disciplines.
Three professionals saw the need to work together and formed the agency.
All of them were successful However, they all realized the need to provide better service to small businesses.
Dean Van Der Byl, CEO and co-founder of the Digital Business Agency, spoke of his expectations for the agency to transform the way South Africans do business: "South Africa, and the entire world in general are undergoing huge change, particularly in the business world. Small business owners are among the first one to be affected by this change. This can result from a myriad of factors, such as the inability of adapting quickly and effectively. Without the support and infrastructure, they'll fail."
"The Digital Business Agency wants to be in the forefront of providing small business owners with the necessary knowledge, expertise and infrastructure needed to make the process and be successful large businesses."
What is what will Digital Business Agency do for businesses?
To meet the needs of micro-entrepreneurs in South Africa The agency has redefined the business environment.
The agency is launching an virtual business mall that will allow businesses to create a mini-website for the mall for as little as R100 monthly.
This is in line with the budget of our local entrepreneurs and will aid them in growing their online presence and their business through an organic and cost-effective way.
The subject of growing and entrepreneurship in South Africa is highly debated. The Digital Business Agency can help with this by enabling small-sized enterprises to reach wider customers through its virtual business mall and other online business solutions.