
Whenever some people get a painful injury or begin experiencing distressing symptoms, they first think they must go for urgent care in the emergency room. However, some soon find out that they probably don't belong there. That's because they realize that, although they are experiencing a great deal of pain and discomfort, what they are going through is nothing compared to many of the other people sitting near or alongside them.
For instance, they could be experiencing a horrible migraine that almost brings them to tears. A few minutes later, they notice someone come in with a large bleeding gash on the side of their neck. It won't take long for them to decide who has the bigger emergency.
This isn't to say that one person deserves attention and the other doesn't. However, the person with the migraine may be better served at a place like an urgent care center. These facilities treat people with severe illnesses and injuries that don't necessarily have to be treated in the emergency room.
For instance, a person with a painful ankle sprain or broken bone could benefit from an urgent care center. That's because, although the pain may feel unbearable, it isn't life-threatening. A person with a high fever or severe throat and cough would also be best treated at one of these centers. Going to one of these facilities also ensures that patients don't have to wait hours in a painful state while others with more life-threatening issues get treated before them.
West Point Medical Center, the best Urgent Care Fontana, offers comprehensive medical assistance for the entire family. Our doctors and staff are prepared to care for patients of all ages, from toddlers to adults to the elderly. They act as a link between both the emergency room and your primary care physician. Our California sites in Fontana, Rancho Cucamonga, and San Bernardino will take your convenience to a new level.